Sun Yixian's Contribution to the Ending of Manzhu Rule in 1911

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Sun Yixian's Contribution to the Ending of Manzhu Rule in 1911



The 1911 Revolution was so important in the Chinese history that it

ended the thousand-year-old absolute monarchyå›ä¸»å°ˆåˆ¶ and opened a new

era. The KMT國民黨 followers liked calling Dr. Sun the "Father of

Nation國父", as if the birth of the Chinese republic was mainly his

contribution. Let's evaluateè¡¡é‡ how far Dr. Sun really led to the

success of the 1911 Revolution.

Main Body


A. Dr. Sun's role:

Like Lenin, Dr. Sun was mainly engaged從事 in the preparation準備工作 and

aftermath善後 of the Revolution, rather than in actual fighting.

I. Role as thinkeræ€æƒ³å®¶, propagandist宣傳家 and fund-raiser籌款人: He was the

first one who advocatedæ倡 for a modern revolution in China in order to

build up a Chinese nation-state with popular sovereignty主權在民.

a. Inspirational激勵性Oathå£è™Ÿ: "Expel the Manzhu, restore the Chinese

rule, establish a republic, equalize land

ownership驅除韃虜ã€æ¢å¾©ä¸­è¯ã€å‰µç«‹æ°‘國ã€å¹³å‡åœ°æ¬Š" made the revolutionary goal clear à many


b. Three Principles of the People (sanmin zhuyi三民主義) refer to

nationalism, democracy (people's rights) and livelihood. These made up

a basic revolutionary ideologyæ„識形態 after 1905 à popular support

i. Nationalism (minzu zhuyiæ°‘æ—主義): anti-Manzhu nature à widely echoed回應

ii. Democracy (minquan zhuyi民權主義): noble高尚 idealç†æƒ³ (but few people

understood except the literati知識份å­)

iii. Livelihood (minsheng zhuyi民生主義): attractive (but difficult to


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... weakened削弱 the

foundation基礎 of the Qing Dynasty

IV. Influx輸入 of western ideas: Ideas of constitutionalism立憲主義,

democracy and republicanism共和主義 were imported from the West. They had

great impacts on the younger generationå¹´é’一輩 of China. à inclinedå‚¾å‘ to

the revolutionaries

V. Nationalization國有化 of Railways (immediate cause): opposition of the

local gentry鄉紳 and people (high-tide of regionalism) à unrest in

Sichuanå››å· Ã diverted轉移 the Manzhu attention à Hubei湖北 became nakedä¸è¨­é˜²

to the revolutionary attacks



The success of the 1911 Revolution was, in short, a fruit produced by

many personalities人物 and the interaction互動 of many factors. Therefore,

the role of Dr. Sun was great but should not be exaggerated誇大.

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