Summary of the Policies and Practices of New Jersey's Use of Force Policy

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Like other law enforcement agencies throughout the United States, New Jersey has a policy that addresses police use of force. The New Jersey Attorney General’s Use of Force Policy was first put into operation in April 1985. The purpose of the policy is to serve as a guide for police officers who are confronted with use of force situations during their duty to preserve the law and protect others. This essay will provide a summary of the policies and practices of New Jersey’s Use of Force Policy. An evaluation of these components will be presented with emphasis on the legal sufficiency of the policies and procedures. Policy strengths and weaknesses will be identified in addition to suggestions for improvement. This essay will conclude with examples and the associated issues of less-than-lethal technologies (“Use of Force,” 2000).
Every law enforcement officer within the state of New Jersey is expected to observe state laws regarding use of force policy and procedures. Law enforcement officers have a responsibility to maintain law. During the execution of this duty, there may be occasions where use of force is a necessary means in order to successfully gain compliance and ensure safety. It is essential that force is only applied to the necessary degree and that all other alternatives are exhausted before an officer exercises his or her authority to use force. The New Jersey policy on use of force makes a clear distinction between use of force and use of deadly force (“Use of Force,” 2000).
Use of force or less than lethal force includes physical or mechanical force and is authorized when the officer reasonably believes that it is necessary to protect the officer or another from unlawful force, overcome conflict against th...

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... Ultimately officers are accountable for their actions and have a responsibility to act in a professional manner, only exercising use of force as a last resort when there are no other alternatives.

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Halbfinger, D. (2000). Trenton issues rules to curb use of force by the police. New York Times.
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Use of Force. 2000. Retrieved from

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