Homelessness is a great problem at this time. It requires attention from people, governments, nonfinancial organizations and from everyone in the world to be solved. A homeless man is a person without permanent housing ; who might live in any place like streets, deserted buildings, vehicles, a shelter or any temporary situation. (National health care for the homeless council, 2015). There are several causes of this problem like living in poverty as poor people cannot pay for the everyday items they need to live like food, education, the rent so they end up in the streets. Another reason for homelessness is violence. There is a direct connection between it and homelessness; As some people like old ones or women could get subjected to different …show more content…
some people think that it is the best solution for this problem. as logically the problem is that they do not have houses so people should help them and build houses for these homeless people. So how could this solution become real? Well first a good percentage of the money in country should be spent on this project. Then all people in country should donate for this project. Instead of giving homeless people money directly then it will be lost on drugs. People should give this money to the government to be spent on this project in order to help these homeless people. Then the government should put a good design for these houses to accommodate the homeless needs. These people do not need luxurious houses in magnificent places. They just need a place to live instead of the streets. After that the government should classify these people to know who needs these houses more than others like old people and sick ones should have the priority to take these houses. The real question here is “Will it work?”. In order to know that the pros and cons of this solution should be discussed. Well according to (Reed, 2014) “Programs that follow the key elements of Housing First achieve better outcomes. Formerly homeless people in these programs experience more housing stability, less drug use, and a higher quality of life than people in programs that don’t closely adhere to the key Housing First elements”. This shows us that …show more content…
It is providing jobs for the homeless people. This solution fixes the problem from its roots because from deep analysis the one can see that these people are homeless because they do not have a home. And they do not have a home because they do not have money. And they do not have money because they do not have a job. So providing jobs to them will actually solve the problem from its roots. So the question now is ‘ How could jobs be provided to them?’. Well governments and many nongovernmental organizations offer job training programs to help homeless people to get back on their feet. Like this program offered by the Coalition for the Homeless in England. They provide job skills training, computer education, internships, and mentoring (National health care for the homeless council, 2015). Most of these homeless people have excellent skills and talents that they do not even know about them. So these programs train them to get these skills out and to find them the perfect job for them. These people are a wasted power that should be used. There are up to 300,000 homeless people who are able to work in England and many researches show us that providing jobs for them is a major way of ensuring they do not return to the streets. (Keating, 2006).this shows that this solution really help homeless
Homelessness in America has always been an issue. There have been plans to help solve this issue in San Antonio, Texas, but it does cost local taxpayers millions. It is a tricky situation to solve because some people are innocent and have no other solution to help solve their necessitous situation. Although many people who are impoverished may not be bad, we should eradicate the chronically homeless because many of them are without a roof for their decisions or blameful addictions they can not control and is costing San Antonio’s taxpayers millions.
As a result, homelessness can be decrease by educating the public about the problem, help the homeless by teaching them financial management skill and build more houses that is affordable, as homeless are human just like us. We should help them to make sure that they can overcome these obstacles and be able to make changes in their life by walking away from
“3.5 million people will experience homelessness in a given year,”(Los Angeles Homeless Services). This shocking number is one of the sad truths in today’s society. Homelessness is caused by a wide range of things including financial issues. The life of a homeless person is hard and comes with set-backs and the constant need to overcome them. Homeless people go through many challenges in surviving without a home. They can suffer from health issues, hunger, and poor emotional well-being.
every aspect and institution in a society work as one to create a function; these institutions are said to be
After watching the video “Sociological Perspective Project: Homelessness,” and read the article “Community Level Characteristics Associated with Variation in Rates of Homelessness among Families and Single Adults I started to think about this more and started to read more on the topic and have I concluded , America could support its citizens better than it currently does by eliminating the progressive tax system, in which as wealth increases so does their income tax and implement tax incentives to encourage job creation. Loop holes should be eliminated in such systems as taxes, as well as welfare in order to prevent people from playing the system. The system should not be set up in such a way that filing for unemployment can be and often times is more profitable that holding a minimum wage job, which defeats the entire purpose of the welfare system. By adding these tax incentives to big business, it would encourage them to create new jobs, decreasing the number of people on welfare. While welfare should not be entirely disbanded, it should be made more restrictive and it, along...
Homelessness is a vast predicament in America and around the world. It is severely overlooked as people don’t really think of homelessness as real world problem. However, there have been ways that people have tried to fix the problem. They have come up with homeless shelters, emergency shelters, food banks and soup kitchens. These solutions have limitations though, which will hopefully come to an end.
Homelessness can happen to anyone unexpectedly. Many poor people are at the risk of homelessness. The cost of living and trying to find affordable housing can be very difficult. Many who are homeless are in poverty, have a mental illness, or addictions. Homelessness happens from personal, as well as structural factors. Many aren’t able to make enough for rent, as well as, utilities, food, and other expenses each month. More than 6 million Americans pay more than half of their income towards rent (Reamer, 1989). The trend is once someone becomes homeless, it is likely they will be homeless repeatedly. To end homelessness, affordable housing will have to be created because it is peoples largest single expenditure (Anderson, 2013).
There are too many connecting issues that have caused homelessness to escalate from a lifestyle that was really only lived by middle aged individuals with a substance abuse problem, to a condition that is endured everyday by a diverse number of people. The 2013 Annual Homeless Assessment Report (AHAR) to Congress reveals that 36 percent of the homeless population consisted of individuals in families--over half of which were children--17.8 percent was made up by the chronically homeless, and an estimated 10 percent was comprised of veterans.
...At its root, homelessness is the result of the inability to afford and maintain housing. Government funding should be put into place that can incorporate an investment in creating affordable housing. This includes supportive housing, which is permanent housing coupled with supportive services. In order to maintain housing, people exiting homelessness must have income. Cash assistance programs are available through federal and state government, and career-based employment services can help formerly homeless people build the skills necessary to increase their income. Mainstream services, including the Workforce Investment Act, should be used for this purpose (Ten Essentials). Lastly, programs must ensure that the homeless have access to these services but are able to attain independence as soon as possible as well. To do this there must be instant access to housing.
Homelessness is descriptive condition of someone without a permanent or regular dwelling. Homeless people most often are not in a position to acquire as well as maintain a safe, regular, and adequate housing. Being that one of the most fundamental human needs is shelter, it is important and health for every human to at least acquire one. Unfortunately, it is becoming rather a difficulty to own a home in the current century given the economic recessions frequently occurring in almost globally. Although the legal definitions for homelessness may vary from country to country, the central idea includes people whose primary nighttime residence could be a homeless shelter, a domestic violence shelter, cardboard boxes or ad hoc housing circumstances. They could also be people who take shelter at night in a private or public place that is not primarily designed or suitable for use as a regular sleeping housing for humans.
Homelessness has not always been such a substantial issue. Homelessness “did not emerge until the 1980s” (Stergiopoulos et al., 2016, p.1). “There are between 700,000 to 800,000 people that are homeless on any given night” (Stergiopoulos et al., 2016, p.4). This issue has many involving factors; the following discussion will answer the question created by Open Arms Ministry of are there examples of effective programs, coalition, cities, communities that eliminate or attempted to eliminate homelessness? To prepare, there will be a definition of homelessness, new homelessness, usual care and a description of the issue of homelessness. This will be continued by the discussion of effective strategies that have helped end homelessness
In conclusion, homelessness has taken a toll on millions of people around the world. Being physically or spiritually deprived of shelter has forced many people to face this gruesome situation. Observing ones stance on the issue, analyzing why the homeless resorts to violence to remedy their problems, and examining new and creative ways of helping the desolate, by implementing new plans to end this unfortunate situation, can provide better lives for the downtrodden and forgotten. No matter who you are, or what you do, everyone is affected by homelessness. Even if you have not experienced losing your dwelling firsthand, there is no doubt that almost every community is stricken with homelessness. Keep in mind that most of us are one paycheck away from being homeless ourselves.
A person can become homeless for many reasons: a family member throws them out of their home because they do not contribute financially, or they become incapable of caring for themselves due to mental illness, or they become addicted to drugs and lose their home trying to support their habit. These are a few examples of personal troubles which most would think are brought about by the individual alone and therefore can be solved by them. But, when using sociological imagination, one can see that homelessness is also a social problem. Unemployment rates are high and public assistances rates being low could leave a person unable to sufficiently contribute financially, therefore being forced to leave...
After these influences, Goethe definitively abandoned the Rococo style of his beginnings and wrote several works that initiated a new poetics, among them Songs of Sesenheim, lyric poems of simple and spontaneous tone, and On German Architecture (1773), hymn in prose dedicated to the architect of the cathedral of Strasbourg, and who inaugurated the cult to the genius. In 1772 he moved to Wetzlar, seat of the Imperial Court, where he met Charlotte Buff, fiancee of his friend Kestner, which was set. This frustrated passion inspired his first novel, The Sufferings of the Young Werther, a work that caused a furor all over Europe and that made the paradigmatic novel of the new movement that was being born in Germany, Romanticism. Back in Frankfurt,
Many homeless people do not have access to healthcare and they go many years without seeing a doctor. According to Fitzpatrick, “there is a clear and defined need for healthcare for homeless people and their families.” She is right, it todays society homelessness is just ignored by many people and has became a serious problem. Most of society does not know about the organizations that help the homeless. For example, Fitapatrick believes in a organization called The Opening Doors Project it is a group of nurses and other health professionals that look at substance abuse within the homeless community. Due to not seeing a doctor and the common knowledge of homeless people abusing drugs and alcohol, “homeless people can have complex and multiple health problems” (Who quoted it). Not everyone agrees with Fitzpatrick, “I am convinced that handouts are basically wrongheaded,” says Sherman. She believes giving anything to the homeless will not help change the homeless persons situation (Sherman). Sherman's advice does not make sence, ignoring the problem will not help either and without proper medical care there is no way to improve homeless health which will cause many people to die a unessary death. According to Hopper, “generative forces behind widespread homelessness runs deep and their correction will req...