Summary: The Iran Contra Affair

2003 Words5 Pages

Chris Haertel
U.S History - 4A
May 15, 2018
Iran Contra Affair Essay When the world’s nations began to change and conflicts starts popping up and begins to rise, that one important decision can, for better or for worse, benefit or hinder a governor, such as Nixon’s Watergate Scandal and Vietnam War. Every small, sharp, and obscure detail done either publicly, privately, or both counts towards the moral, reputation, and trust from the governed. But nobody, and by all means did nobody ever told President Ronald Reagan when he traded weapons to fund a rebel group. Boy how that really, really had not as much impact as it should have been. But the Iran Contra Affair did had an good sized affect socially, politically, and economically …show more content…

This type of ordeal occured around nineteen eighty-five,which is well around the president Ronald Reagan’s midterm, when he is beginning to have a very complicated agenda and is having a hard time keeping his political momentum during his presidency. But he instructed his national security advisor on a plan of action . So Robert Mcfarlane, tried all that he can, for better or for worse, to find a way to assist the Contras, a rebel group in Nicaragua who are fighting the communist government there, no matter what the cost would be. They found what they needed to do, by selling their own weapons to Iran for money, because Iran just so happens to be at war with its neighboring country, Iraq, and are in need of weapons in order to fight against them. But a long while ago, prior to Reagan’s presidency, the democrats passed and ratified the Boland Act, which is meant to restrict the Central Intelligence Agency or CIA and Department of Defense or DoD in terms of any foreign conflict. As well as that, the United States also placed an embargo on Iran, due to their experience with the Middle East and the Iran Hostage Crisis, after the country’s revolution and overthrow …show more content…

People should honestly learn about this as future events beyond the scandal have happened and are really happening, and no one, and absolutely no one is saying a word about what in the world is happening. Many as a community should be informed, aware, and ready to take precautions into action if the latest president at the time, Donald Trump, just so happens to make bigger mistakes than he had made already. History is meant to be understood of what happened and has lessons for people to learn about, but if no person is actually making any sense of it all, stuff like the Watergate Scandal or the Iran Contra Affair are bound to happen again. Take a look what is going on now, as China and the United States are in a trading war, which was what started the whole Great Depression all the way back at nineteen twenty-nine. And look where it is going now, if history is not solved and understood correctly, it would repeat itself again, and again in different parts of the future. Taking political scandals for example, the Iran Contra Affair just so happen to be a scandal, and the last scandal that took place during the modern era just so happened to be the Watergate Scandal, and this is what happens when the government starts to become unaware of how history reminds them of they had done by repeating that in a different

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