If you've been thinking about taking a testosterone supplement, this Truth About Testosterone review is something you need to read. Mike Geary says that a testosterone supplement is a dangerous choice and could ensure that you will need to take testosterone for the rest of your life. He says that there's a natural way that you can build up your testosterone and keep it high, but first, you need to tackle a hormone that you may not currently consider to be a problem. We will take a look at what he's offering and whether or not it is the answer you need to start feeling healthy and masculine again.
What Is The Truth About Testosterone?
The Truth About Testosterone is an informational set of eBooks that are meant to help educate men on why they are experiencing common issues from low testosterone, such
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Does Truth About Testosterone Work?
Men have been flooded with information about how to fix their testosterone levels, and, usually, it involves supplementation or injection. But, there are long-term complications that come with doing that, including decreasing the body's natural ability to produce testosterone. Moreover, injections and supplements don't address another real issue - estrogen, which can cause decreased muscle, energy, libido, self-confidence, and sleep, along with increased fat, tender breasts, and even hot flashes.
The Truth About Testosterone tackles both reducing estrogen in the body and increasing testosterone naturally. The authors are experts in nutrition and men's health, and they are confident that they can help men regain control of their hormone levels and start to feel masculine and healthy again. That has given us a lot a confidence during this Truth About Testosterone review that this information may be the last information men need to take control of their sex
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“High levels of hormones can cause problems in the human body, but can hormones we ingest really alter our hormone level...
Aaron Henry was 13 when he started taking steroids. He wanted to gain an edge in football. After four years of using steroids, Henry was 5'9" and weighed 210 pounds. He gained weight and power from taking steroids, but that is not all they gave him. He experienced spells of vomiting, urinating blood, liver and kidney damage, ulceration over three-fourths of his stomach, a mild heart attack, and an aggressive personality (James 18). Henry was only aware of steroids' positive effects. He was unaware about their side effects and health risks. Much of the public, just like Henry, is uninformed or wrongly informed about steroids. The media fails to show the negative aspects of using steroids. Because of this, many people think that steroids only have positive effects, but they fail to realize those using steroids can destroy their body and mind.
Steroids are used daily in America in body building, medicine, and food production. There are three main types of steroids, Corticosteroids, Anabolic steroids, and hormone steroids. Corticosteroids are the kind of steroids doctors prescribe to patients when they are sick or have some kind of medical issue. These steroids reduce overactive immune responses and reduce swelling. Anabolic steroids are used for building muscle. They also contain a lot of testosterone. Testosterone is naturally produced by one's body but too much can cause a vast variety of problems. Hormone steroids are the steroids people put in animals (DeNoon).
Several effects of steroid use have been identified. These include an increase in low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and a decrease in high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol. These lipid changes if allowed to continue over long periods of time could result in coronary heart disease (6). Some other side effects of steroids in men include shrinking of the testicles; reduced sperm count, infertility, baldness, development of breasts, and increased risk of pro...
A man has been married to his wife for seven years. The couple has two beautiful children, a fabulous home, and appear to have the perfect marriage. After the husband leaves work one afternoon, he decides to stop in at the local bar. The man sits at a table in the corner of the room. Not long after his arrival, a woman approaches him. She asks the man if she can join him at his table. The two seem to have quite a bit in common and enjoy each other’s company. The woman asks if he would like to go back to her apartment. He has not had a fight with his wife today. In fact, she surprised him with a love note in his briefcase. Their sex life is enjoyable, frequent, and without complaint. The couple is not currently having financial problems. Despite this, why did the man decide to leave with a stranger and cheat on his wife? A great deal of research has been carried out on the topic of infidelity. Marital therapists have reported that more than half of the couples they counsel are in therapy as a result of infidelity (Atkins, Jacobson citation). Therapists also consider an extramarital affair as, “one of the most damaging relationship events and one of the most difficult problems to treat in couples therapy” (whisman predicting sexual infidelity…). Some therapists estimate that 50% to 65% of couples seek help after an incident of infidelity in their relationship (Atkins, Jacobson & Baucom). Identifying the reasons for this problem are essential to the success of its reduction. Infidelity is not a new phenomenon. However, there was little research on the topic until the late 1970’s (Drigotas & Barta, 2001). Numerous factors have been examined while trying to determine the root cause for extramarital relationships a...
Matza, Alexis Ruthg. The Boston "T" Party: Masculinity, Testosterone Therapy, And Embodiment Among Aging Men And Transgender Men. Thesis and Desertation. Iowa: The university of Iowa press, 2009.
Steroids can help but they do have very severe side effects. “Overall the usage of steroids is very damaging to the human body.” In men, the steroids can cause shrinkage to the testicles, decrease sperm count, sterility, impotence, prostate enlargement, and growth of breasts. Most of the side effects cannot be reversed. The most severe side effect of steroids is on the liver. It is called Peliosis Hepatis, which is a blood-filled cyst in the liver. If the cysts rupture, they can cause liver failure. That would most likely kill the person. In women, it can sue the growth of facial hair, shrinkage of the uterus, sterility, deepening of the voice, decrease in breast size, and irregularity in the menstrual cycle. In both men and women, jaundice, edema of feet and ankles (water retention), headaches, aching joints, reduction in HDL, high blood pressure, stroke, hair loss, liver ailments, acne, atherosierosis and cancer. When injected some of the risks are developing hematons and getting AIDS and HIV. Taking steroids shortens the life span up to twenty years and a chance of getting diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and hypertension. The side effects are reactions from using steroids are endless.
"Anabolic steroids is the familiar name for synthetic substances related to the male sex hormones (e.g., testosterone). They promote the growth of skeletal muscle (anabolic effects) and the development of male sexual characteristics (androgenic effects) in both males and females”(National Institute on Drug Base).First, the benefits of steroids are very obvious to see. The user gains strength, mass, and speed in a short amount of time. Also, the user has a more aggressive attitude, which is good for football players. However, there are more bad side effects than good. The side effects include hair loss, acne, liver damage, kidney damage, increased breast tissue and becoming very aggressive. These are just some of the horrible bad side effects by using steroids.
Seeking a greater athletic physique and ability, athletes turned to the use of steroids. Once the dangers and possible health risks arose, athletes then turned to performance enhancers. Two specific supplements have taken the sports world by storm and are now being used by athletes of all ages. They are androstenedione and creatine. It took years for people to begin to understand how dangerous steroids really are.
While the effects of steroids can seem desirable at first, there are serious side effects. Excessive use can cause a harmful imbalance in the body's normal hormonal balance and body chemistry. Heart attacks, water retention leading to high blood pressure and stroke, and liver and kidney tumors all are possible. Young people may develop and a halting of bone growth. Males may experience shrinking testicles, falling sperm counts, and enlarged prostates. Women frequently show signs of masculinity and may be at higher risk for certain types of and the possibility of birth defects in their children. The psychological effects of steroid use are also alarming: drastic mood swings, inability to sleep, and feelings of hostility. Steroids may also be psychologically addictive. Once started, users, particularly athletes, enjoy the physical "benefits" of increased size, strength, and endurance so much that they are reluctant to stop even when told about the risks. Major athletic competitions, including the Olympics, routinely screen athletes to prevent steroid use.
Some of the ill effects of the drugs are damage to the kidneys and liver. A person can also alter the balance of the natural hormones. This can cause detrimental affects to the body. The effects of you natural hormones being out of balance can last several years after being off the drugs. Some male user form breasts due to the use of steroids. Because of the increase in testosterone, steroids can cause serious acne problems. When used by teens is can cause stunted growth. Other side effects include genital changes, water retention, yellow eyes, coronary artery disease, ligament injuries, high blood pressure, changes in cholesterol levels, sterility and liver disease. The list goes on and on. Women that use steroids run the risk of male pattern baldness. Some effects of steroids are even worse. Some people fall into comas after injecting the drugs, some may even die from the injections (Kalawalski 13-15).
“Steroids are any type of a large group of fat-soluble organic compounds, as the sterols, bile acids, and sex hormones most of which have specific physiological action” (Dictionary.com). When our bodies are still developing, the effects of steroids can be dangerous and can also be permanent (“Above”). Steroids are made out of substances such as nandrolone, stanozolol, testosterone, fluoxymestrone, and oxandrolone. Sometimes people say when you can’t pronounce something, you probably shouldn’t use it. In the 1940’s testosterone began to be widely used in competitive sports, but the dangers of loading up on testosterone were not yet clear (“History”). Instead of using steroids for a bad reason, there is a medicinal purpose. Cortisteroids can treat arthritis, asthma, lupus and multiple sclerosis, eczema and rashes, and some types of cancer (“Steroids: Medline”). Also, steroids can be used to treat anemia, to improve weight loss due to severe illness, and to treat osteoporosis. Steroids can only be sold to you by a pharmacist f...
Steroids can have many health effects on your body. Many doctors say not to use steroids because of the possible long term effects. A source from a reputable website says, “It is speculated that possible long-term effects may include adverse cardiovascular ef...
...al Hypogonadism and Androgen Replacement Therapy: An Overview." Medscape. Urol Nurse, 2006. Web. 20 Nov. 2013. .