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Why voting age should be reduced
Why voting age should be reduced
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In “You’re 16, You’re Beautiful and You’re a Voter,” author Anya Kamenetz states her belief that the voting age should be lowered to sixteen. Kamenetz gives several premises to her argument.
The first support Kamenetz argues is, the 2008 presidential campaign brought in the most voters under the age of 29 in history. If the voting age would be decreased, there would be more voters under the young adult category. There would be an increase of voters, including those under the age of eighteen.
The second argument of Kamenetz is that at the age of sixteen, most people have had enough education to understand what they want in their future; thus, having a credible political opinion. Kamenetz believes that the voting system should be flexible of
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According to Kamenetz, “there was a 38 percent reduction in fatal crashes among the youngest drivers,” with sixteen-year-olds going through the classes that are needed to earn a learners permit (Kamenetz). If the law is trusting a sixteen-year-old to drive safely, Kamenetz believes they should also be able to vote.
Kamentetz believes that there should be an “early voting permit” for sixteen-year-olds that do want to vote. This would require taking a test similar to the citizenship test. Kamenetz states, “16-year-olds who want to start voting should be able to obtain an “early voting permit” from their high schools upon passing a simple civics course, similar to the citizenship test” (Kamenetz). By lowering the voting age and taking a required citizenship test in high school, sixteen-year-olds would be able to receive an “early voting permit.”
Most sixteen-year-olds have already had many firsts. Kamenetz states that by the age of sixteen, most people have already had, “first jobs, their first drinks, and first sexual initiations” (Kamenetz). Since they are already given so many responsibilities and opportunities, it would make sense to include an option to vote. Sixteen-year-olds could then add voting to their lists of
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Even though sixteen-year-olds may be safer on the roads from taking a driving class, it does not mean that they have enough real-world experience to make an educated vote. Parents, teachers, friends, and social media will have an impact on their vote, as well as their easily changing ideas. Society has a great influence on the opinions of younger generations; it is unlikely that sixteen-year-olds will have a true individual opinion. An early voting permit would be good idea; however, most Americans would not be able to pass the “early voting permit”
For years fiery debates whether the driving age for teens should be sixteen or eighteen captured the nation. Sixteen year-olds have a legitimate argument for keeping the age where it stands, but statistics show that sixteen year olds are not responsible enough to drive, and that more practice is needed before anyone should get a driver’s license. However, from the looks of it, it seems that legislation is going to make the legal driving age eighteen.
When analyzing the voting turn out in this nation is becomes evident that the youth of America tends to be less active compared to their elders. Written in the book "Is Voting for Young People" by Martin P. Wattenberg he breaks down the key components connecting the youth of America to voting in order to come to the conclusion of how active the youth is in politics, and ways to make them more involved.
Considering the delegates that are currently running for office, a voter should have a vast level of understanding regarding the intentions of each and every candidate. Arguing whether to raise or lower the age limit for the right to vote has raised many speculations as to how it would affect the economy. There are pros and cons within both sides of the argument, but any decisions made by the powers that be will have an adverse effect on today’s society if it is placed in the hands of the younger generation. Therefore, raising the voting age to twenty-one is a better way of making sure that voters are more aware and would be more equipped to making a more sound decision rather than lowering
As of the ratification of the 26th amendment in 1971, the voting age in the US is 18. As I turn 18 this coming summer I now have the chance to participate in elections local, state, and national wide. The history of youth voting has changed over time with that more 18-24 year olds are voting as time goes on. The question comes to mind about voting in that why would someone want to vote and if it’s just a waste of time. I believe that if people have the chance to vote, then they should which is why I am going to vote in elections to come in the future.
Being able to get your license at 16 should not be a given, it should be a decision made by parents if their child acts mature enough. Yes, it frees up the parents time and makes the teen more responsible but losing a child to a car crash is unthinkable. Enrolling your teen into a comprehensive driving program will give them to keys to be a safer driver.
Today in America, less than half of young voters between the ages of 18 and 24 vote (TheBestColleges.org). What most of these new adults fail to realize, is that their government depends on them to vote and elect new leaders to represent their country. Many of them make excuses to avoid voting, when really, they benefit most from voting.
Although there are 44 million eligible young voters ages 18-29, in 2012 only 45% of them voted. These young people make up one fifth, or 21%, of the eligible voting population, yet they often do not vote. Voting is a tremendous gift. Young people in many other countries around the world have to fight to gain this right. In America, voting is often taken for granted by all age groups, but the youth take it for granted the most. In this paper, the reason why young people do not vote will be explored and solutions as to how to get them to vote will be proposed.
Hello, I am RJ Dearing. I am a sophomore at Washington Virtual Academies and I am writing to you to tell you why you should change the minimum age to vote to be at least closer to sixteen years of age. The younger generation of teens and young adults who also have a few opinions on politics like myself would love to voice our opinions on our own ballets. The only problem is the minimum age to vote right now is eighteen. A whole two years of waiting for our voices to be heard, when all you have to do is change the minimum age and let us have our voice heard on political matters.
Parents have the most say in a minors life and if they feel comfortable enough to let their child stay out later, then they should be allowed to drive since they already have the freedom to stay out past nine while driving on their limited provisional driver’s license. A parent knows their own child better than anyone and if they have allowed them to do all the requirements and already do all the supervised time driving with them, while they were on the learner’s permit rules and regulations. Responsibility is the biggest thing if the government feels that a 16-year-old is responsible enough to get married then they should be able to drive on their own at
Some people think 16 is too young to drive, but I believe that 16 is the right age because that’s when we need to learn the right and wrongs and if people want to miss use their licences then they choose to do that. You can’t just think or assume that most 16 year olds will be like that. There are plenty of responsible drivers out there and all we can hope for is that all drivers will be like that and will make sure to be respectful and caring while on the roads cause if they make a mistake they can not only put there life in danger but someone else. One of my favorite quotes is “Take it easy driving- the life you save may be mine.”- James Dean
A drivers license what every sixteen year old dreams of getting. You can start dating and driving around with friends, the reason they call it sweet sixteen but with every privilege it seems that a limitation comes with it. In the following paragraphs I am going to argue on the limitations of driving not only for the youth but as well as adults too. Driving is a great privilege and also a great convenience to a young driver and their parents such as not having to be dependent on their parents to take them to work, pick up or drop them off at places such as practices and parties.
Responsibility is a very important thing when it comes to driving and I believe that sixteen is an appropriate age for people to have this responsibility. While driving, teenagers get a taste of what adulthood will be like by being on the road with adults and peers. Adults have a great deal of responsibilities and starting to drive at sixteen is a really good way for teenagers to learn about these responsibilities. Driving can also get teenagers to learn about the law. There are so many things that people need to know while they are driving, for example the speed limit. If somebody didn’t know the speed limit or if they were being careless then they could get not only themselves but fellow drivers and
First and foremost, people should be allowed to get a driver's license at sixteen so that they can drive to work. Because teenagers in America can get their "working papers" by the time they are fourteen; by the time they turn sixteen, most are already working. Since they have a job by sixteen, they need to have transportation in order to get there. Otherwise the foundation that the they are working for might not be accepting lateness within their domain, and ,most likely, fire that particular sixteen year old. For example, in many struggling households, it is extremely imperative for teenagers to make money.
Teens of all ages, from 15 to 19, experience different trials and milestones in life. Some teens will graduate before the age of 18, but if the driving age were to be raised, many of those students would have to wait a year or two to legally drive off to college. In even younger teen’s lives, many have had to come face to face with acquiring jobs to help their families out with finances. Some teenagers at the age of 15 can, today, gain a special license that allows them to drive from home, to school, and to work only. If the legal driving age were to be altered, this special type of license would surely be abolished, permitting anyone from acquiring a job before the age of 16.
Whether or not teenagers should be allowed to get their driver 's license at age sixteen is a known topic across the United States. One of the causes for this argument is the number of fatalities caused by young drivers. Evidence shows, “In 2012, 1,875 drivers between the ages of 15 and 20 died in motor vehicle crashes and an additional 184,000 young drivers were injured, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration,” (“Teen Drivers”). Most accidents are caused by young drivers. In the United States of America, citizens may receive their driver’s license at sixteen, if they meet the requirements. Some people argue that sixteen year olds should not be able to receive their driver’s license. Other people argue that sixteen