Summary Of The Poem 'Totem' By Langston Hughesn

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"Totem" is a witty, satirical piece by one of Canada's best Aboriginal writers, Thomas King. It is about an unusual traditional totem pole that threatenes the safe, predistaable order and peaceful facade of museum as well as the conventional expectations of its employees. Noise produced by totem is bothering employees. They tried to lock it into the basement, "but soon later the totem poles were even louder, shouting, explosive shouts". They could not do anything about it so "maybe if we ignore it, it will stop singing". By the time they got used to noise. At the beginning employees were annoyed by noise. After they tried to cut it, but the noise was even louder. At the end after they saw theres no help they just ignored it. Every character …show more content…

'I, Too' is a poem written by Langston Hughesn. This poem, the speaker, who is probably Hughes himself, is proclaiming to the world that he, too, is an American even he is "darker" brother. Darker brother was forced to eat in the kitchen while they were eating like normal people at the desk, "but I laugh and eat well. and grow strong". "Tomorrow... thell see how beautiful I am and be ashamed. I, too, am America" Character is extremly hopeful and optimistic. He believes tomorrows gonna be better. -Just because something isnt happening for you right now doesnt mean that it will never happen. -Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence. In civil-rights era Jackson, Mississippi, 23-year-old Skeeter a recent graduate of the University of Mississippi and an aspiring writer, attends a bridge game at the home of her friend Elizabeth. Skeeter's girlhood friends have all gotten married and started families, but Skeeter is disturbed to see how they treat their African American maids. The Help focuses on three women in 1960s Jackson Mississippi: Aibileen, who works as a nanny and housekeeper for the Leefolt family; Minny, an outspoken

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