Summary Of The Man In The Well By Ira Sher

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In the story “The Man in the Well” by Ira Sher, there is a group of children that find a well that has a man trapped inside of it. The children find the well in a field that they were playing. They visit the well everyday while they are playing games with each other, and they brought him food and water each day. They would ask him questions to try to find out more information on the man. The children have actually made up this man in the well for a game they were playing. There are many reasons as to why the man in the well was made up. After the children found this man, they never spoke of the man to anyone other than the other kids that were at the well with them. None of the children’s parents were ever informed of the man that was trapped. The only thing that the children were worried about was learning more about this man. The children asked him simple questions, though. They asked what his name was and if there was water in the well, but they never asked how he got in the well or how long he had been in there. …show more content…

They promise that Aaron’s dad is on the way to the police station to get help, but his dad never comes to help. The kids had decided to not help the man from the very start, before even talking to him. “I think it’s important that we decided not to help him. Everyone, like myself, was probably on the verge of fetching a rope, or asking where we could find a ladder, but then we looked around at each other and it was decided” (Sher 118). Most people would have immediately gone to get help, but the kids only act like they are going to get help. The kids had initially thought about helping the man, but they agreed to not help the man. Why would they need to go get help for the man if there wasn’t actually anyone in danger,

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