Summary Of The Logic Of Stupid Poor People

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In The Logic of Stupid Poor People by Tressie McMillan, she states, “Why do poor people make stupid, illogical decisions to buy status symbols?” (538). Poor is not only a status but a state of mind. Money may be short, but there can be happiness when making the most of what has been earned. Some people just have expensive taste and want what they want. Maybe they saved to buy that $2500 handbag, maybe it was on sale or maybe it was given to her. How can anyone know? Poor people buy status symbols to elevate their status in their own community and in turn feel better about themselves. Equality is relative. She says, “First they insist on being poor when it is so easy to not be poor.” (536). The poor are mostly poor because they are …show more content…

Stereotyping can have negative effect for some people, but for others it has a positive effect. McMillan states, “I do not know how much my mother spent on her camel colored cape or knee-high boots but I know that whatever she paid it returned in hard-to-measure dividends.” (538). The stereotype her mother obtained by dressing well and “speaking like white folk” had a positive outcome. Being well dressed and clean makes a difference in how others view worthiness. It doesn’t matter where the clothing came from since most people don’t know the difference between JC Penney and Goodwill clothing. Even fewer people know the difference between a suit from Goodwill and an Armani suit. Hell, in some places, the Armani suit may have come from Goodwill! She says, “Presentable is the bare minimum of social civility.” (538). Being presentable is an equality all its own and, with social civility, inequality can be stopped and put all social classes on the same level. Presentable does not make an equal. Unfortunately, our minds and hearts is what makes equality a reality. Equality starts within and works its way

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