Summary Of Looking For Work By Gary Soto

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Many people would like to change their lifestyle and their tradition to look like other ones. But does that change make them more satisfied? it does not, because what will be the meaning of life if all people are the same? If one group of people is happy with their tradition, it does not mean other group will be happy as well if they just act them, because the different of conditions that in each group and that what is called the different of thoughts. Believing in the content of the TV shows and make it as people guidance will cause a lot of problems for people’ lifestyle. The article, Looking for Work” by Gary Soto is a short story about nine years old Mexican American child who is inspired by the lifestyle that he saw on one of the tv shows …show more content…

The teenagers age is most likely affected by the content of the TV shows more than adult one because adult people are more understandable that the content of the TV movies mostly has nothing related to our real life or even though if the movie was a reality movie, it could not fit in all traditional and communities. However, children would not think that way. they believe what they see about the family style which make them unsatisfied with their own lifestyle. This will lead them to have a trouble with their parents because children start complaining about their way of life. For example, in the article “Looking for Work” by Gary Soto, the narrator was inspired by the lifestyle that the family had in the movie which made him was not satisfied with his family lifestyle, then he decided to make changes on his family life. He began asking his family to dress up at the dinner. This is something that they did not used to do (20). But then he realized that the content of his family lifestyle is the only style that his family can have to stay happy (24). Basically, People should know that if they want more than life could give them, it will be a very depressing life. A best example about not all the tv movies events can be done in the real world is when we see how easy it is to steal a bank in some movies. Is it can be done that easy in our world? Of course not, these days stealing a bank seems so …show more content…

We cannot count how many romantic movies are out there which we can easily being affected by them, especially women because they are more romantic than men in most cases. Furthermore, the stories, in these movies, can easily make people feel jealous of the happy and lovely life that the movies present of the relationship between couples. But these impacts reflect badly on people relationship right now because girls begin asking their boyfriends or husbands to treat them as the men in the movies do for their wives. In addition, they will ask them to change things in their outfit to look like some famous actors in the movies. Here the war will start. In most cases the men immediately refuse that request because they think that it is something that will hurt their personality and their selves-confidence. This will lead men to have a trouble with their wives because they think that their wives have touched their personal identity. On the other hand, women clearly would not be satisfied with that decision. In some cases, they ask for divorce like what happened with some couples in my country. When I was in my country Syria 4 years ago, people were admired watching the Turkish series. My uncle’s family was one of them. They used to watch them as much as they could. But after a while we found out that they were preparing for getting divorce that is something that we did not ever

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