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Impacts of technology on humanity
Impacts of technology on humanity
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Picture a drunken old man in the park observing the world as it goes by. He’s not causing a disturbance; he is simply sitting and “weeping” as he watches “the hurting motes of time.” Why is the old man crying? Why is time in pain? It is because the old man finds the recent changes in society to be a hindrance for it. These changes have made life unoriginal, loud, and superficial. In Margaret Avison’s poem “July Man” she writes a social commentary on how life is lived by current generations through her use metaphor, imagery and diction.
The incessant repetition of the buzzing sound a bee makes annoys many people. Avison compares people to this sound “buzzing populace” because people are always talking or moving even when it should be silent. Avison wants people to take the time to be quiet and/or still so that they can appreciate their surroundings without being distracted by others things.
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Avison creates vivid and descriptive images in the poem so that the reader receives a personal experience of the point she is trying to make.
Avison puts the reader into the poem by making he/she sit in front of a park fountain. It is usually quite relieving to sit in a local park and watch the park fountain spew water from its spout and watch it crash down against the still water in the fountain’s bowl. The sound of crashing water clears the mind into a state of reflection and ease “In the sound of the fountain you rest.” However, a “rushing river of cars” creates “a heart-stopping blurt” that interrupts this state of reflection and ease, causing the reader to be one with the rushing society. In this image, Avison points out that society is not able to take the time to reflect and relax because it is always in a state of rapid motion, there are very little breaks. Avison wants society to take a break and notice the little things in life that can actually mean a
lot. Avison uses a lot of diction to explain her feelings on society. For example, she says that people have “square shadows.” In reality, everyone has their own unique shadow regardless of how similar it is to another. A shadow represents a person’s individuality because it provides a silhouette of a person’s unique body structure. However, Avison points out that people are no longer becoming unique. In certain cultures, a square is considered being bland and uniform, basically lacking originality. Avison believes that society is become unoriginal because people are following the same trends and trying to look like a different person. In addition to the lack of originality in society, Avison uses diction to point out how people are not appreciating nature and their surroundings. The sun is beautiful star that provides our planet with sunlight and warmth. Sunlight, a beauty itself, shines upon beautiful things that the Earth has to offer: water, animals, landscapes and people. However, we are unable to recognize such beauty because we are too absorbed and/or distracted by the meaningless things in life “none of us knows its weight, sudden sunlight, falling on your hands and arms, in your lap, all, all, in time.” Society needs to take time and appreciate the ground in which we all live on instead of ignoring and destroying it. Even though society needs to reform in order to grow, it should not forget the small yet key aspects to life that make it sane and worth living. Being original, maintain peace and quiet, and appreciating the Earth will allow society to be more respectful and appreciative to one another.
From the combination of enjambed and end-stopped lines, the reader almost physically feels the emphasis on certain lines, but also feels confusion where a line does not end. Although the poem lacks a rhyme scheme, lines like “…not long after the disaster / as our train was passing Astor” and “…my eyes and ears…I couldn't think or hear,” display internal rhyme. The tone of the narrator changes multiple times throughout the poem. It begins with a seemingly sad train ride, but quickly escalates when “a girl came flying down the aisle.” During the grand entrance, imagery helps show the importance of the girl and how her visit took place in a short period of time. After the girl’s entrance, the narrator describes the girl as a “spector,” or ghost-like figure in a calm, but confused tone. The turning point of the poem occurs when the girl “stopped for me [the narrator]” and then “we [the girl and the narrator] dove under the river.” The narrator speaks in a fast, hectic tone because the girl “squeez[ed] till the birds began to stir” and causes her to not “think or hear / or breathe or see.” Then, the tone dramatically changes, and becomes calm when the narrator says, “so silently I thanked her,” showing the moment of
Therefore, Oliver’s incorporation of imagery, setting, and mood to control the perspective of her own poem, as well as to further build the contrast she establishes through the speaker, serves a critical role in creating the lesson of the work. Oliver’s poem essentially gives the poet an ultimatum; either he can go to the “cave behind all that / jubilation” (10-11) produced by a waterfall to “drip with despair” (14) without disturbing the world with his misery, or, instead, he can mimic the thrush who sings its poetry from a “green branch” (15) on which the “passing foil of the water” (16) gently brushes its feathers. The contrast between these two images is quite pronounced, and the intention of such description is to persuade the audience by setting their mood towards the two poets to match that of the speaker. The most apparent difference between these two depictions is the gracelessness of the first versus the gracefulness of the second. Within the poem’s content, the setting has been skillfully intertwined with both imagery and mood to create an understanding of the two poets, whose surroundings characterize them. The poet stands alone in a cave “to cry aloud for [his] / mistakes” while the thrush shares its beautiful and lovely music with the world (1-2). As such, the overall function of these three elements within the poem is to portray the
Traditionally, dirges are composed in the form of a song or hymn of mourning as a memorial to a dead person. The very definition suggests that the particular qualities of the dead individual deserve recognition. The dirge is not just written for anyone, but for those deserving of glorification, who survive in the memories of the living as testaments to the greater capacities of humankind. It is against this traditional definition that Kenneth Fearing’s poem, “Dirge”, is working, not only as an overt commentary on the social, cultural, and political factors surrounding the destabilization of 1930’s America but also as an abstraction of the prevalent views of reality: the dehumanization of the human. Fearing superimposes these thematic projects onto the context of the Great Depression, a period of American history often seen as representing overarching society decline, the dull malaise of futility, and the alienation of the individual. Through an exploration of the structural elements of “Dirge”, one can find just how Fearing constructs a particular vision of modernism.
In the poem “What Are Years,” written by Marianne Moore there are two poetic devices being used in order to convey the meaning of the poem. Through the use of different figures of speech and unique forms, she discusses the different life stages a person experiences. The entire poem is based on powerful metaphors used to discuss the emotions and feelings through each of the stages. For example, she states “The very bird/grown taller as he sings, steels/ his form straight up. Though he is captive (20-22).”
The physical structure of the poem visualizes the poem’s essence because there is a clear source of tension in each verse. Lines are moving across the page twoards the edge of the paper, but are then returned to their starting margin. Forward movement embodies the progression of daily life, but the return to the first grid evokes Oliver’s claim about the crucial tendency to feel connected to a deeper truth. The physical structure mirrors the speaker’s progression through the swamp/struggle. Oliver visualizes the human tendency to become carried away with life’s daily vigor, only when meaning and depth is captured that stability is viewed in one’s life.
In the poem, the poet uses figures of speech such as: metaphor, personification, comparison… to make the poem more interesting as in: "…fluttering and dancing on the breeze…", "…tossing their heads in sprightly dance…" or "…as the stars that shine…". Through this, we can see that all these precious words come from his "spontaneous overflow of emotion". The subject of the poem is the description of the nature beauty and the theme of the poem is the writer's recollection in pensive mood. He wants to send us a message which advises us to go into tranquility to enjoy the bliss of the solitude which is considered as an exciting emotion helping poets expressing their feelings truthfully.
“Man in his Time plays many parts , his Acts being seven ages.” Here we are given two different worlds, with colourful characters ranging from “the Lover sighing like Furnace with a woeful Ballad” to the “Last scene of all” when Man revert to their “second Childishness and mere oblivion, sans teeth, sans Eyes, sans Taste, sans everything.”
The vague characterisation in ‘Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening’ is used to encourage a moment of still reflection to the world. It is, arguably, a simple message and the narrative ‘plot’ no more than a man taking a minute to look in some woods. However, the importance of the message comes from this simplicity and how universal it is. The overpowering pull of obligations and ‘[having] promises to keep’ (14) resonates a feeling of necessary separation from society once in a while, but also the brevity of which that separation can take place. Because of the simplistic nature of the poem it is possible to connect with the narrative voice on a personal level, transferring your own parallel emotions to the poem to give it greater meaning and so finishing the depth of the poem that comes from relating with
July, July by Tim O’Brien, published in 2002, is a fictional novel about a group of college friends that have been affected by the Vietnam War and the war against themselves. At their thirtieth reunion, the middle-age group looks back on their young lives and considers the outcomes if significant events had gone somewhat differently. The struggles and let-downs throughout their lives convinces them to ponder what would have happened if they would not have dreamed too big. The novel encourages me to not let fantasy consume my life, but supports a theme of hope that does not overpower reality.
W.H. Auden’s poem “As I Walked Out One Evening” belongs to the long tradition of poems chronicling the struggle between love and time. Like others, Auden’s lover uses images of “The Flower” (l. 19) and grandiose claims of love “Till China and Africa meet” (l. 10) to impress or coax the unseen lover to comply with his wishes. However, Auden deviates from this tradition in other ways. For example, these other works are mainly seduction poems. In Andrew Marvell’s “To His Coy Mistress”, time is (by association) a third party to a seduction, invoked to create fear and put pressure on the seducée by reminding her of her mortality- as well as the seducer’s own vulnerability, and thus goad her towards his own ends. “As I Walked Out One Evening” is a narrative poem, and essentially a dialogue between a lover speaking to the unseen love and time responding to counter his claims. Auden argues that people are unaware of the world they live in and do not truly understand what it means to love and live by usage of apocalyptic images and a running motive of both time and water.
In July’s People, Nadine Gordimer gives a very detailed and knowledgeable explanation of the political turmoil within South Africa. By expressing the emotions of a family involved in the deteriorating situation and the misunderstandings between blacks and whites, she adds a very personal and emotional touch, which allows the reader to understand the true horror and terror these people experienced. Gordimer writes of how the Smales family reacts, survives, and adjusts to this life altering experience. She makes obvious throughout the book that prejudice plays a major role in uncovering the reactions of Bamford and Maureen Smales.
“As I walk out one evening” Analysis “As I walked out one evening”, is a striking poem that expresses and exploits some of the restrictions time places upon man. Written during the mid-1930s, “As I Walked Out One Evening” is one of W. H. Auden’s early works. The work indirectly illustrates the effects of time on man by using different speakers as well as other references that play a variable in time. The essence of time is portrayed through Auden’s use of form, structure, language and personification to demonstrate the effect of time. Form is critical to any piece of literature, and in “As I Walked Out One Evening” the form allows the essential tone to be set.
This essay is included my own understanding, plus some information that I gathered from a lot of researches and critics’ comments on this poem. I, myself interpret this poem through the first perspective I would explain about, and in two other perspectives my ideas hardly is included.
Through careful diction and figurative language, Wordsworth was able to bring to life images of nature. This poem contains glimpses of recollections from the poet's memory and the exquisite effect the outside world has upon him. Wordsworth comprehends the beauty and importance after the experience and is able to reconstruct the event for the reader.
The poem “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud” by William Wordsworth is about the poet’s mental journey in nature where he remembers the daffodils that give him joy when he is lonely and bored. The poet is overwhelmed by nature’s beauty where he thought of it while lying alone on his couch. The poem shows the relationship between nature and the poet, and how nature’s motion and beauty influences the poet’s feelings and behaviors for the good. Moreover, the process that the speaker goes through is recollected that shows that he isolated from society, and is mentally in nature while he is physically lying on his couch. Therefore, William Wordsworth uses figurative language and syntax and form throughout the poem to express to the readers the peace and beauty of nature, and to symbolize the adventures that occurred in his mental journey.