Summary Of Hitler's Furies, By Wendy Lower

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Thesis: Women being viewed as perpetrators in any type of violence in societies across the world is often overlooked, ignored, or their participation minimized (not only in their society, but also in judicial process especially when they are on trial for the same crimes as their male counterparts). In the book Hitler’s Furies by Wendy Lower, Lower attempts to address this double standard and shine light on the topic of German women’s participation in the marginalization and genocide of the European Jews alongside Hitler and his Nazi state. Lower’s purpose is to explore how in periods of war and extreme violence a majority of German women, not only female camp guards, became “conditioned to accept violence, to incite it, and to commit it...” …show more content…

Throughout HItler’s Furies Lower gives multiple examples of German women’s opportunistic and greedy behavior during the Holocaust that had been overlooked and minimized throughout the retelling of the horrors that occurred. In Hitler’s Furies Lower explains how by continuously shoving women into stereotypical gender roles placed upon them by society, their crimes and participation in genocidal acts can go unnoticed and how these crimes can also be severely …show more content…

For example she used letters, journals, and diaries from Vera Stahli (a wife of a SS officer), Pauline Kneissler (a nurse who directly participated in killing Jews), as well as multiple other women and testimonials from victims. She also used maps, and drawings of regions that needed to be ethnically cleansed to show that women still had knowledge of what was going on around them even if they didn’t have direct contact with the victims, or committ outright acts of violence like

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