Summary Of Ella In A Square Apron Along Highway 80

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I selected “Ella, In a Square Apron, Along Highway 80” by Judy Grahn, which is a poem about the common woman’s struggle to survive in a harsh world. I found that this poem dealt most poignantly with how the need to survive in a particular environment shapes people, the complexities that inevitably arise within a person, and a pervading sense of alienation. Ella is a waitress who leads a tough existence and whose personality has grown calloused in order to endure it. Her job as a waitress who deals with bawdy truckers, implies that she is a member of the working class or working poor. I believe that her material insecurity contributes to the sense of deprivation in the poem. Ella also experiences extreme deprivation in the social realm. There is no mention of healthy relationships within the poem, instead she …show more content…

While on the surface, it may seem understandable that the courts would take away Ella’s child in the wake of her shooting her lover, it actually showcases the cold and impersonal logic upon which the courts operate. Ella’s unforgiving environment stocked with obstacles has forced her to harden herself. She has adapted to an environment that provides her little understanding by hiding any vulnerability or neediness, even to the point that she “turns away the smaller tips, out of pride” (Lines 13-14). Perhaps because of the heavy use of snake imagery, I saw Ella’s struggle to persevere as akin to a wild animal adapting to an unfriendly environment. Ella is a complex character because she can be interpreted in multiple ways, such as “tired and sharp-worded” (Line 2). This poem explores the differences between how a person’s characteristics are viewed with and without understanding

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