Summary Of All Summer In A Day By Ray Bradbury

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The story, “All Summer in a Day” by Ray Bradbury, is about a girl named Margot that moves to the planet venus and is treated different because of her knowledge of the sun. Difference can be a good thing but when it means having something that someone else has desired for a long time, it might cause them to show violence verbally or physically to get what they want. In the story, Margot tries to tell people that she knows what the sun looks like and that it looks like a lemon and how it's round like a penny, but the kids don't believe her. “‘It's like a fire,’ she said, ‘in the stove.’ ‘You're lying, you don't remember!’ cried the children.” this quote from the story explains how the kids are blaming margot and saying that she doesn't remember because she knows something they don't, something different. Margot's difference makes the other kids make her feel bad and accuse her of things that are not true. Margot had been leaving in the sunlights for four years only five years ago that she moved to venus, she remembered and that was treated as a crime to her because of how cruel the kids acted just because she was different than them in a way that they saw her better, …show more content…

When she comes to venus, the others hadn't seen the sun since they were two years old and have wanted to see it really bad, so bad that when they first met Margot, they knew how much they hated her because of her difference. One of my friends once experienced this with another kid, the story was that my friend had tried out for the talent show and had tried her best, yet the other girl had one it just because she asked people to vote for her. My friend had been practicing for the talent show at least a year and yet the girl who was supposed to be her friend suddenly decided to go ahead and try out. This proves that difference can cause people to do things that aren't considered the

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