Sulla and the Downfall of the Roman Republic

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Lucius Cornelius Sulla was born in 138 B.C.E, into a prominent Roman patrician family but not a wealthy one. He received a good education, as Sallust, a reliable unbiased Roman plebeian historian and politician, suggests, “…and was fluent in both Roman and Greek” (Sallust, 43 AD. Histories), which was a sign of high education in Rome (Cavazzi, F. 2014). Sulla was a general and lieutenant of the Roman Army, was elected twice for consulship before he became dictator in 81 B.C.E. His background in the military may be a strong influence on the way Sulla ruled and how his ruling lead to the downfall of the Roman Republic (Plutarch, 79 B.C.E. Life of Sulla).
According to, Franco Cavazzi, a current accredited unprejudiced Roman Historian, Sulla’s first major achievement was becoming Marius’s Lieutenant. Marius was not a Roman nor patrician but still managed to be elected 7 times, he lead the army to many victories and was well recognised for them. (Gill, N.S. 2014) (Cavazzi, F. 2002) It was during Sulla’s service under Marius’s command in the military, that many of Sulla’s character traits were cultivated that contributed to the way he ruled.
His character traits are listed in three main accounts by authors A.J. Koutsoukis, Erik Hildinger, who are both current impartial historical non-fiction writers and, Plutarch. Plutarch was a Greek historian, biographer and essayist, who is most famous for his work Parallel Lives, where he focuses on all of the contributing rulers of the Roman Republic. Plutarch is very even handed and focuses on the influence of character and moral lessons that can be learned from these emperors, good or bad.
These three authors support the same traits but share contradicting information about the character of Su...

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...ily restore the power of the senate, however the quality of power is questionable (Cavazzi, F. 2014).
His reforms had no lasting impact on Rome, as soon as he retired and died, Rome was back into its existing state of political violence and chaos. All his work was for noting, he was unable to have a lasting impact on Rome besides a deadly precedent to follow. Therefore Sulla’s reforms aided in the downfall of the Roman Republic as he was incapable of making permanent changes in the Republic and provided an extremely deadly precedent to follow. History Professor from the University of Utah, Dr Larry Ping explains, "His reforms attempted to put Roman politics into a strait-jacket, but he could not undo the effect of his own example, a general using the army of the republic to march on Rome, and overthrow the government in the name of reform" (Ping, 2011. Sulla).

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