Students Should Be Paid For College Students

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From the time a child enters kindergarten in the public school system as a newly initiated student, to the time that same student finishes high school, he or she will probably never have to pay a dime on one textbook, unless the student has to pay replacement fees for the destruction of property or for losing the textbook that he or she was using. However, if a student wishes to pursue a higher education in college, he or she will quickly come to the realization that textbooks are no longer readily available to be used for free while pursuing their college education. No matter what classes the student takes, whether those classes be at community college or a private university, the student must buy or rent his or her textbooks for each class. …show more content…

The additional hundreds, or even thousands of dollars, needed to be spent on textbooks, online access codes, and lab fees can, however, leave the student with feelings of duress for registering for those courses, fear of additional debt, and regrets about pursuing a college education. With all of the expenses a student must pay for in their personal and educational life, it brings up a valid debate regarding whether people either agree or disagree about the topic regarding whether colleges should be paying for the textbooks and other materials for their attending students. Colleges should pay for their students’ textbooks and materials simply because the student already has other expenses that require financial priority, textbooks are a necessary element to ensure the student’s success in his or her chosen classes, and the student is already paying exorbitant tuition fees to their chosen school to attend those …show more content…

Although the internet has an infinite amount of helpful resources to aid a student in class success, and the professors will give students helpful tools to assist the student in achieving academic success, the presence of textbooks and their vital role in a student’s academic life has not been suppressed. Textbooks made for specific courses are created to help the student learn more about the standards being taught and to educate the student on the course’s content. Not only does the textbook help the student but it also helps the professor. When students own textbooks, professors can lead discussions and lessons with textbooks, direct students to specific chapters or pages in the textbook to help the student study for the content that is being discussed in class, and the class instructor can give assignments out of the textbook to see if the student is succeeding in understanding the content being taught. Even though textbooks play a vital role in a student’s class success and possibly an easier way for instructors to teach their students, the high cost of textbooks is the factor that prevents students from collecting these resources for their courses. Students either cannot or choose not to purchase textbooks, because after factoring in all of their other finances

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