Stricter Gun Laws

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Gun are one of the most commonly used weapons, but what happens if one of the most dangerous weapons gets in the hands of an unstable 19 year old? On the morning of February 4, 2018 student Nikolas Cruz shot and killed 17 students and injured 14 others. It should not be this easy for a person to kill and injure this many students in such little time. Students all over the country have been protesting stricter gun laws. In the article “A New Generation Calls Gun Laws”, from the New Yorker use a student Sarah DeSouza as their key speaker. Sarah says that Major Stoneman Douglas was her neighboring school and that her school just sent a banner that said “we stand with you”. However for Sarah that just wasn’t enough. She had listened to the survivors of the shooting it had inspired her to do something to let the survivors that their voices are being heard. …show more content…

Even stores have become fed up with the loose laws and have taken to it into their own hands to do something about it, DICKS Sporting Goods have said that they are no longer carrying ar-15 assault rifles, large magazines, and are no longer selling a handgun to anyone under the age of 21 no matter the local law. The CEO of DICKS said to the New York Times that “We love these kids and their rallying cry ‘Enough is enough.’ It got to us.” Different stores from all over the country have decided to stop selling guns and card people if they want one. In the time of kids taking over and protesting guns and politicians ignoring them saying “it’s our constitutional right to bear arms” this is true, however; to many children they see the constitution as something that needs to have a better look taken at because it was written when only the white man had

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