Strict Rules For Teen Dating

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An issues that most teens deal with is parents who have strict rules about dating. I believe that there should not be a teen dating guidelines because you're raising your child from the age that they're born but, once in highschool and college you really don't have much control. Your child is growing up and become their own person, along the way they find a relationship. Yes, there are boundaries but if you're setting your child up with a bunch of rules they are more liking to break them I say this from experience my parents set rules instead of giving me an option or talking to me.I personally feel powerless and like what I say doesn't matter. If you block your child from dating aren't you just hiding them from the real world. They're gonna grow up sooner or later they'll find someone and get there heart broken. …show more content…

In the article ‘Teen Dating Guidelines” by Jessica Childs published November 06, 2014 it says “ Little rock christian academy junior samantha boyd 16 ,her parents let her date just as long as it's light and casual”. Through high school there's gonna be lots of stress and struggles, teens need someone who they know is gonna be there for them even if it's for a while they don't just need friends and family. It doesn't matter if they think they're in “love” at the age of 16 they should have someone who they can be happy with. Now I'm saying there shouldn't be harsh restrictions on dating but there is boundaries teens should be aware of if they do end up getting there heart broken they should know that they chose to date that person, but that doesn't mean the parents should not be their for

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