Belcher (1985) maintained that test score reflects both the knowledge and aptitude of test takers and the ability of using the characteristics and format of test effectively (as cited in Pour-Mohammadi and Zainol Abidin 2012).
Popham & Madaus (1987) and Romberg, Williams, Zarrinnia (1989) defined testing as high stakes, because they influence both local and state administrators’ decisions about curriculum, appropriate programs, learners’ promotion (as cited in Herman, Dreyfus, Golan 1990). Pour-Mohammadi and Zainol Abidin (2012) noted that students’ ability is not the only criterion in their performance in tests.
Hambleton, Swaminathan and Rogers (1991) mentioned that Some Cognitive and psychological factors also affect their performance, and test-taking strategies which are also known as test-wiseness are regarded as significant test related factors that affect learners’ perfgormance , and based on Dodeen (2009) these factors and strategies increases the validity of tests ( as cited in Pour-Mohammadi and Zainol Abidin 2012). Anderson( 2001) and Bachman (2000) stated that considering cognitive processes is going to become one of the significant factors for language testers(as cited in Amer 2007).
Teachers try to help learners to do well in tests by many ways, and test taking strategies can be regarded as one of these ways. Cohen and Upton (2007) define test-wiseness as processes of test-taking which test-takers consciously select and apply while taking the test (as cited in Pour-Mohammadi and Zainol Abidin 2012).
According to Beidel, Turner, Ferreira (1999) test taking strategies can be defined as ways which are applied for the purpose of improving learners’ and test takers’ ability to deal with testing procedures more easily...
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...stigated the effect of test strategies on learners reading comprehension tests, and they found not only these strategies help respondents to get a better test score or have greater achievement, it additionally solve the other aspect of their problem which deals with the anxiety they have while taking the test. They also mentioned that teachers become more interested and persuaded to instructions to test-taking strategies to their regular English classes so that their students may become testwise in a testing situation. The mentioned researchers found that without considering the context of the test, learner can have a better performance based on the learn strategies (as cited in Goudarzi and Ghonsooly 2014). “When achievement test scores are influenced by test anxiety, especially for subgroups of students, the scores will be biased” (Wren and Benson, 2004, p.228).
Almost state has gained federal funding from accumulating the test data from all of their schools (Ravitch 107). Data collected from multiple choice questions determines the intelligence of every student and their teachers. The test data is tracked throughout their lifetime in relation to their test scores, graduation dates and other statistics companies such as Amazon and Microsoft use to evaluate different groups (by age, ethnicity, etc) as a whole (Ravitch 107). Ravitch claims there are many problems with this, mainly, tests do not measure character, spirit, heart, soul, and potential (112). Not everyone is the same, and just because one may be weak in math or writing doesn’t mean they’re not smart, resourceful individuals with much to share with the world. For schools to be even seen with a slight amount more than just their test scores, they have to be in great standings with their students’ average test results. The government’s intense focus on test results hurts schools’ ability to be a well-rounded school immensely. In contrast to federal’s pinpoint focus on what students learn, educated consumers desire their kids to have a full, balanced, and rich curriculum (Ravitch 108). Schools need to be more than housing for test-takers. The Education Board may claim students’ proficiency in their testing makes them better people, prepares them for college, and ultimately, the workforce. What they are
In Examsmanship and the Liberal Arts A Study in Educational Epistemology, William G.Perry Jr. categorized, questioned ad attacked the academic arrogance which surrounded the age-old learning style of curriculum-based instruction that is used by America’s school systems.His research was conducted for students who attended Harvard University.He grouped students educated in the nation's school into two categories-In his essay, Examsmanship and the Liberal Arts, William G. Perry Jr. categories, questions, and attacks the academic arrogance that surrounds the age-old learning style of curriculum-based instruction that is used throughout America's school systems. Although Perry's research was conducted primarily with students who attended Harvard University, his essay groups all
Some students simply do not test well, others try their hardest and still cannot reach the impracticable standards set for them. The individuals who create these tests do not understand the pressures of being a student, or the struggle to answer thirty-five questions in a compressed time period. One test cannot accurately measure the intelligence of a student.
My greatest area of strength in assessment literacy is during the test administration, because I believe I do a wonderful job providing directions for the students, I monitor students and watch them to make sure they are not cheating with each other, and I make sure the testing environment is conducive to high achievement. When my tests are distributed to my students, I make sure to read the directions of each section of the students and ask my students if they need any more clarification on the section directions. If students forget the directions while the test is taking place, I make it a point to clarify for them in private and then announce to the class a reminder for each section. This usually happens when I monitor my students during the testing session. I make sure that I am visible and mobile inside my classroom. I want my students to do well on tests and gain confidence that they understand the concepts being tested, but I want my students to be self-motivated and self-reliant and to not look to their partners for the answers.
By giving students the ability to choose the technique in which they take their tests, professors are giving them more confidence which increases productivity. A vast majority of professors use short and/or long answer test; however, this can be damaging too many of their students’ scores. Pink gives the example of Zappos founder Tony Hsieh who gives his employees the autonomy to work without scripts, monitoring, or timing (101). The problem with how professors are giving test is that not all students can work to their best ability in short and/or long answer test. Pinks concept is to give people the ability to choose the method that best fits them so they can produce their best results. For example, Student 1 has the best result on tests when they are multiple choice; however, student 2 has the best result when the test are oral. Professors do not want their students to ...
Students dread the time of the year when they stop with their course material and begin to prepare for test. Everyone is in agreement that some type of revolution is needed when it comes to education; eliminating standardized test will aid the reform. The need for standardized testing has proven to be ineffective and outdated; some leading educationalist also believe this because the tests do not measure a student’s true potential. This will save money, stop labeling, and alleviate stress in students and teachers.
Developing studying skills that incorporate testing myself will take the ease of being overwhelmed, as well as help with concentration, and becoming more comfortable and confident. Practicing recalling information over time will help in recalling for an actual assessment, by retaking study guides, and creating at home pre-test. 3The information provided by Karpicke and Roediger can me as an educator and other educators by considering various methods of learning. Using test as an instrument of learning rather than solely an assessment on knowledge can be essential in helping students’ learning effectiveness. Since the experiment showed that the learning conditions where retrieval was repeated caused students to have 80% of the pairs recalled compared to the 33% of where retrieval was not practice shows that testing can be used as a tool of learning. In my classroom I would implement take pre-test for homework and/or extra credit assignments, as well as implement classroom activities such as games where testing occurs in a communal group setting. Retrieval is easier when related pieces of information are stored in close association with one another (Ormord p. 212). Therefore, I would have students get in pairs and test each other on the information as soon as the lesson is over as a form of review and test
tests were primarily employed as measures of student achievement that could be reported to parents, and as a means of noting state and district trends (Moon 2) . Teachers paid little attention to these tests, which in turn had little impact on curriculum. However, in the continuing quest for better schools and high achieving students, testing has become a central focus of policy and practice. Standardized tests are tests that attempt to present unbiased material under the same, predetermined conditions and with consistent scoring and interpretation so that students have equal opportunities to give correct answers and receive an accurate assessment. The idea is that these similarities allow the highest degree of certainty in comparing result...
The test taking lessons have helped me learn more about having good strategies for a test. I feel that with these lessons learned I can have more confidence to take a test and pass it. In this report I want to show why test taking is an important skill to learn. I also wanted to describe how I have prepared for test in the past. I also wanted to discuss three strategies I have learned from the computer tutorial in class and how I have changed my study habits so I can do better on test.
There’s nothing worse than to have students sum up all their knowledge, skills, thoughts, talents, and abilities into one multiple-choice test with one “right” answer. This is why assessments must encompass more ways of evaluating students than a paper and pencil strategy that does not account for the various competences of every student. This is one of the many reasons why standardized testing has been undoubtedly one of the most controversial topics in education to date. With this being said, there are alternatives to standardized tests that involve different opportunities including portable portfolios, performance exams, exhibitions, and/or recorded sessions to better “test” a student’s knowledge and abilities.
The overall purpose of schooling is to advance one’s knowledge and skill base and through standardized testing the belief is that one’s knowledge and skill base can be assessed and analyzed, but what occurs many a times is a teacher's difficulty to expand upon the learning process due to the confinements that testing has on his/hers ability to teach. In a qualitative study performed by the Morehead State University it was determined that in a particular rural school standardized testing had implemented a limit on the amount of time that teachers were able to instruct, as well as limitations on the “instructional resources and the types of assessments teachers employed” (Thomas, 2005). Even if a teacher was content with teaching the state
The purpose of this review is to explore the effects of standardized testing on elementary students as well as the impact on teachers. This literature review is in no way an all-inclusive review of all available information on the topic of test anxiety. The reviewed literature was found through Arkansas Tech’s online library database using the search terms: “standardized test anxiety”, “test anxiety elementary”, and “high stakes tests elementary.” There are many questions to be answered concerning standardized test anxiety. How do students perceive high stakes testing? Do students experience heightened anxiety in relation to testing? What types of psychological, physiological, and behavioral reactions occur prior to, during, or after standardized testing? How does standardized testing affect teachers, schools, and parents? What behaviors do parents and teachers observe to indicate anxiety? How is test anxiety measured? The following research literature review attempts to find answers to these questions.
"Educators are coerced into becoming instruments of the statewide testing program in order to convince the public that all is well in the schools. This is allowed to happen because test scores are easy for the public to follow; therefore statewide testing programs, even those involving high stakes, are becoming the norm. All 50 states have statewide student testing, and graduation is contingent on performance on statewide exit exams or end-of-course examinations in 19 states" (Bedwell, Lance E,
A test can be defined as a procedure intended to establish the quality, performance, or reliability of something, especially before it is taken into widespread use. As a society, people are tested at every stage in life whether it be a written or a practical exam. Since our first year in an educational institution, we are tested at least once a week for every subject we study. We continue these vital practices of testing all the way through schooling into lifetime careers. Testing is a way for the teacher or other higher position to assess the level of skill and mastery one has over a given material. This task is important to determine if the person is qualified for the next step or a next career. Arguably, the most important careers require
Critically reviewing the scientific development of the testing problem at that time, it is necessary to note the shortcomings that have taken place in theory and practice: - the absolute value of the test control and attempts to replace all other types of control with tests; - lack of appropriate training for the design and use of tests by teachers; - non-compliance with the requirement of one of the most important elements of the validity of the test - the validity of the content; - the unsuccessful formulation of many test questions and their alternatives (several correct answers corresponded to the same question); - inclusion in the test of a large number of questions that required a detailed response; failure to perform the procedure for determining the validity and reliability of the test by statistical methods.