Straight Dude Seeks Same: Sexual Identity

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This week’s theme is sexual identity. Sexual identity is classified by who you are interested in on a romantic level. For example, if you are a man that is interested in men you are identified as a homosexual. In an article I read called Straight Dude Seeks Same: Mapping, the relationship between sexual identities, the author Ward (2014) discusses that there’s a lot of men who seek other men on Craigslist and masturbate to straight porn together. Her initial reaction to the first article was that the man is sexually repressed, but later she found dozens of ads on Craigslist where straight men were looking for other straight men for sex. Ward (2014) says, “STR8 dudes view “gay” as a chosen identity that is not particularly linked to who is having sex, or what sexual acts are involved”. She concludes that we shouldn’t categorize so quickly and take each situation for what they are. “ Some men like to have sex with other men in the bathrooms of gay bars after dancing to techno music, others like to have sex while watching straight porn and talking about bitches”(Ward,2014). This reading is definitely sex positive because Ward (2014) does not believe it’s easy to determine what are straight and gay practices, instead she suggests that society views them as sociocultural categories. A basic concept sex positive has is there is no such …show more content…

She believes that by using this phrase, your saying you had a choice to be straight instead of queer, you would choose straight (King-Millar,2014). Ultimately, she is saying that she deserves to be treated equally because she is a human. “The life I have now is not something I ended with because I have no other options. Make no mistake-it a life I chose” (King-Millar, 2014). This reading is also sex positive because she wants to be identified as a human with the right to marriage regardless of her sexual

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