Story Of An Hour Literary Analysis

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Kate Chopin’s short story, The Story of an Hour is best due to its captivating elements of surprise, imagery, and its potential hidden messages through its articulated symbolism. The story takes place in an hour’s time where a delicate, heart diseased woman, Mrs. Louise Mallard, grieves the news of the loss of her husband, Brently Mallard. Now, although Brently had strong feelings for Louise, represented by the articulation that, “the face that had never looked save with love upon her”, Louise merely loved Brently sometimes, however, “often she did not” (Kirszner, & Mandell, 2017, p. 129, para. 8). Therefore, the plot arises within a series of conflicts associated with Louise Mallard’s fragile heart, and the events associated with the learning of grave news pertaining to Brently Mallard.

While sitting at the window, …show more content…

Although Louise expressed guilt and shame regarding her feelings, she overcomes those negative emotions. Just as Louise begins to sink into this powerful acceptance, she expresses freedom in living for herself, versus for another. Overall, Louise appears detached from the storm that is associated with Brently, and the clouds parted revealing blue skies, reflecting the dawning of new days as Louise’s freedom prevails (Kirszner, & Mandell, 2017).

The author presents the reader with an image that marriage is a grim captivation versus love, endearment, and joyfulness. Moreover, that Louise’s marriage to Brently is not the only thing restraining Louise’s freedom, that Josephine, Louise’s sister, and Brently’s friend, Richard, were also negatively associated and barricaded from destroying Louise’s newly proclaimed life. Locked in her bedroom, Louise overcomes the past and finds the inner strength Louise hesitantly indulges in, which pushes her towards accepting this new chapter in life (Kirszner, & Mandell,

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