Story Of An Hour Literary Analysis

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“ The Story of The Hour”

Kate Chopin's "The Story of an Hour" covers about an hour in the life of Louise Mallard. This story keeps the reader in suspense not knowing what is going to happen next. Her sister and a family friend come to tell her that Brently Mallard, her husband, has died in a train accident. This story is very unique, there is only four characters in this story, the plot is not what you aspect and only three main symbols in this story to me. This is a story amazing with such depth to it. Ms. Louise Mallard husband was apparently killed in a train accident so they tought. Louise hears the news that her husband has died, she is secretly happy because she is now free. She is filled with a new desire for life, and although she …show more content…

She has a heart attack when her husband, is alive after all and comes home. Louise bears from a heart problem, which shows the extent to which she feels that marriage has oppressed her. I believe her heart problems were physical and emotional. Alone in her room, her heart races, and her whole body feels warm. Only when Brently walks in does her heart trouble return, and this trouble is so life threatening that it kills her. The irony of the finale is that Louise does not die of joy as the doctors’ statement but essentially from the loss of happiness. Brently’s death gave her a sign of a new life, and when that new life is quickly taken away, the disbelief and disappointment kill her. Mr. Brently Mallard was Louise’s husband, supposedly killed in a train accident. Although Louise remembers Brently as a kind and loving man, merely being married to him also made him an oppressive factor in her life. Brently arrives home unaware that there had been a train accident. Josephine was Louise’s sister-in-law. Josephine informs Louise about Brently’s death. Richards was Brently’s friend. Richards learns about the train accident and Brently’s death at the newspaper office, and he is there

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