Story Of An Hour By Kate Chopin

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A plot is the sequence of an event or events in a story. Plot is shaped by casual connections, historical, social, and personal by the interaction between characters. Simple plot is in chronological order. Circular plot ends where the story begins. A complex plot has a beginning, middle, and an end. "The Story of an Hour" by Kate Chopin has a beginning, middle and end so therefore it is complex.

First of all for a story to have a complex plot it has a beginning. In the beginning of “The Story of an Hour” the characters and a protagonist are introduced. Brently Mallard is the husband and the person who supposedly died in an accident. Richards, the friend of the husband, who was in the newspaper office when he read that Mr. Mallard was killed. …show more content…

In the story of an hour there are three subjects clearly acknowledged in the middle of this passage. The three subjects are the complications, the conflicts, and the climax. The Balance Publishing Company stated “Climax is the point in the story where tension is the highest. It is the point in the action where the conflict is about to be resolved. The climax occurs when the alternatives to solving the problem have been eliminated.”(The Study Sheet pg1)The climax of the story is when Louis Mallard changed her mind set about her husband’s death from feeling sad to feeling free. The Balance Publishing Company also stated “Complication refers to the difficult circumstances that come about through the characters attempts to find solutions to his/her problem.”(The Study Sheet pg1)The complication of the story of an hour is when Louis Mallard was informed that her husband was officially dead due to a predicted train wreck. With the conflict section The Balance Publishing Company stated “The conflict is the problem between the opposing forces in the story. The main character wants something and something else is standing in the way.” The conflict of the story is when Louis Mallard wanted to be …show more content…

A reversal is a story that leaves an unexpected end it can also be considered a plot twist. In the end she’s truly not “free” in the end she gets the opposite of what she truly wanted. These things are death and her husband not being dead. Another reason this is a reversal because she also wanted a future and a long life. Her husband not being dead shatters Louis’s vision of her new life and ironically it creates a tragic ending out of what initially appeared to be fortuitous events. The story had s under the impression that Louis was going get what she truly desired. The way the story was presented to the reader it would make s believe that there will be a happy ending. But she never truly gets the happiness that she wanted. Therefore the ending of this story is a reversal simply because we got the ending we weren’t expecting. Recognition in a plot is a change of ignorance for example sneaking into the kitchen to get some food thinking your mom doesn’t hear you but in reality she’s really home and catches you. The recognition in this story would be when Louis finds out her husband isn’t truly

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