Stolen Generation Australia

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Mark these using the ISMG with no bias and all honesty - Aboriginals have been known to be treated poorly throughout Australia’s history, The Stolen Generation is known as one of the biggest issues in Australia’s history. They were taking children from families and trying to ‘whitewash’ them. The main part that proves the point is the information we have on the stolen generation, how they were treated, beaten, and forced to live in poor conditions, causing health issues and a lot of deaths. There were over 480 institutions that held the ‘half-castes’ where they were accustomed to abuse and labor. There are only 17,000 survivors today, with over one-third of all Aboriginal people being affected (Healing Foundation 2024). A.O Neville started …show more content…

I will prove this hypothesis by using Acts from 1905 to 1940 to establish the hypothesis. Walter Roth had his act pushed which meant he got appointed to work for the Royal Commission on the condition of the Natives, he then created a response with a group of articles boosting the thought of Aboriginal Slavery in Western Australia the information that Walter Roth released was used to pass the Aborigines then act in December 1905. The Aborigines Act commenced in April 1906 but was originally passed in December of 1905; this act created the position of Chief Protector of Aborigines, became the legal guardian of all Aboriginal children to the age of 16 years, and also permitted authorities to remove Aboriginal children from their families to go to an institution and ‘whitewash’ them. A.O. Neville started the ‘civilizing’ process, turning the Indigenous youth into white Australians. The children weren’t only taken away from their families, but they also forcibly took their connection to the land, their …show more content…

They were stripped of their dignity and self-worth. They were seen as non-existent, not even humans being treated like trash, being swerved away from their traditions and way of life, being forced to do something they didn’t agree with. Losing their connection to being made to figure out the way of living as white people following a foreign way of life. It also caused the aboriginal children to miss out on learning about their history and traditions as Aboriginals. Their connectivity with the land, their view of the land, the way the resources used and followed their spirituality. They were forced to change that way of life. The ‘half-castes’ were removed from their homes and families, causing the population of half-castes to increase under Neville during his term. Causing a horrible mix up where they were too black to be apart of white society but also too white to go back to the Aboriginal society. This can be observed in the film Rabbit-Proof Fence, which was based on the stolen generation and a inside view on how it was seen by the aboriginals. The movie came from the stories of Doris Garimara, the daughter of Molly Craig, one of the main girls in the film. The film was used to show the aboriginal perspective of the stolen generation but also showing Neville’s attempts of white washing the

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