Stigma And Discrimination In Australia

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Stigma and discrimination are prevalent amongst individuals suffering from mental health conditions and disorders in most aspects of their lives, and with the negative effects that can result from these, the impacts on the person can be detrimental. A survey of Australian’s who, at the time, were suffering mental illness, say that reducing stigma would make an improvement in their lives. The prevalence of stigma and the impacts of discrimination have been ongoing matters of concern within the mental health industry, government bodies and consumers, however, even though there has been some progress in the reduction of stigma, the need for addressing these concerns in an attempt to further reduce stigmata and protect the rights of mental health consumers in Australia still exists. Stigma and discrimination, in relation to mental health conditions and disorders, has had increased …show more content…

2015). However, stigma is still prevalent in society and can impact the person with mental health issues in many forms with negative outcomes (Corrigan, P. & Watson A., 2002). Stigma is the social disapproval of an individual’s personal characteristics, beliefs, behaviours and/or other matters that are perceived, constructed or displayed in negative ways which don’t fit in with social or cultural norms (Hungerford… al textbook). Some examples of stigma are those who: are of a culture or ethnic group that is a minority; have a contagious or transmittable disease; have a criminal history, convictions, and/or have been incarcerated; have an unemployment status; are excessive users of, or addicted to, illicit drugs and/or alcohol (Hungerford et. al. 2015). Stigma in relation to mental health conditions and disorders has been described as having worse impacts than the conditions themselves (Thornicroft……et al) who experience

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