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Mental health stigma and labelling
Mental health stigma and labelling
Prejudice and discrimination in society
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Mental illness can be described as a behavioral or mental pattern that may cause suffering or a poor ability to function in life. Social stigma plays a vital role in this disease as it can make mental health problems worse, as well as making it harder for the individual to recover; resulting in a person not seeking the help that they need. There are many structural levels of mental health such as the labelling, discrimination, emotional and stereotypical aspects of a person's mental illness condition. Modern day anti-stigma studies have shown that biogenetic and psychosocial methods have aided in the ultimate goal of properly treating mental illnesses. Mental illness has been associated with biogenetic methods/treatments as a means of finding …show more content…
However, in saying this, there is still much research and work to be done to completely understand the degree and range of the inequality against those with mental illness. As luck would have it, social psychologists have been studying situations related to stigma and how increasing public perceptions of mental illness of those with the illness view themselves and how the public view them. This Mixed-Blessings study explains the correlation between how mental disorders have welcomed an alternative strategy to reduce blame and stigma; this research yielding a quantitative analysis on the relationships between biogenetic explanations for mental disorders as well as they key elements …show more content…
Millions of individuals will be affected by poor mental health, although anyone can experience these problems, there are people from certain backgrounds and social situations who put themselves at greater risk; there are many more factors than can influence or worsen the disorder. There are current theoretical models that analyse mental health stigma as a complex theme that involves many features, such as; social environment/backgrounds, stereotypes, prejudice, discrimination, behavioural problems and discrimination (Świtaj et al., 2014). There are many authors of different articles that agree that stigmatisation cannot be understood to it full extent without considering the perspective of people with mental illnesses, who ultimately play an important
The Ministry of Health (2008) also state that it is essential to identify a patient’s community or community of interest and support the patient to develop and maintain connections. For Belinda, the third barrier to recovery she may possibly face could be the stigma and discrimination attached by the community and those around her to being mentally unwell. Walker at al. (2012) state that people with mental health problems are possibly the most highly stigmatised group in today’s society for the reason that once a person’s diagnosis of mental illness is established, it is very hard to get rid of, or shake off. Lyons, Hopley and Horrocks (2009) state that stigma and discrimination have the potential to develop an enormous negative impact on people’s lives and overall well-being. The potent and damaging impact of stigma aimed at mental health patients encompasses most aspects of everyday life, as the continuous onslaught of discrimination impacts on relationships within families, which has the effect of eroding an individual’s confidence, contributing to self-initiated social exclusion (Lyons et al., 2009). Stigma in regards to mental health is linked with a number of social problems such as higher levels of poverty, poor physical and mental health, social isolation, deprivation and poor educational achievement (Bates & Stickley,
Rusch, et al. "Mental Illness Stigma: Concepts, Consequences, And Initiatives To Reduce Stigma." European Psychiatry 20-8 (2005): 529-539. Print.
“Stigma is a “collection of negative attitudes, beliefs, thoughts, and behaviors that influence the individual, or general public, fear, reject, or avoid, be prejudiced, and discriminate people” (Varcarolis, 2013, p. 18). Mentally ill patients are encountered in all settings. Many of these setting are non-psychiatric in nature and are staffed by nurses that do not have extensive training or comfort in dealing with seriously mentally ill patients. Individual stigmas and attitudes that nurses have regarding mental illness can have a direct effect on the level of care given to these patients. These stigmatizing attitudes toward the mentally ill can have very harmful effects on the individual themselves and their families. The negative attitudes result in social isolation, reduced opportunities, and the lack of self worth (Varcarolis, 2013, p. 18). Nursing graduates need to understand that psychiatric patients appear everywhere, not just in psychiatric settings. Knowing how to properly and appropriately care for them is vital to giving the best care each patient deserves. The challenges of social stigmas about mental illnesses affect graduate nurses in developing a therapeutic relationship, and need to adjust and implement appropriate nursing interventions.
According to Patrick Corrigan’s article “How stigma Interferes With Mental Health Care” Many people who would benefit from mental health care services do not seek it or fail to complete the treatment. One of the main reasons for avoiding help is a stigma; to prevent the label of mental illness that occurs when people are associated with mental health care. In the article “Wearing the Label of Mental Illness: Community-Based Participatory Action Research of Mental Illness Stigma”, by Jean Theuer,Nicole Jean-Paul, Kristi Cheyney, Mirka Koro-Ljungberg, and Bruce Stevens, the authors explains that once an individual is labeled as mental illness, he or she is viewed as a host that contain undesirable characteristics for human being.Including begin dangerous, undependable, weak and abnormal. For example, an individual who suffers from Schizopathic may be stereotyped as being “Crazy” and “Lunatic”. Wearing the social as well as the diagnostic lower’s an individual self-esteem and abilities. Not wanting to be ostracized by fellow peers and society, and an individual may avoid seeking health care and continue to ignore his or her symptoms. Many blame the individual for the illness they suffer and do not show empathy toward the individual. Even when an individual decides to seek help mental health care he or she may experience deep stigma from healthcare professionals. Mental illness stereotypic embeds
Stigma can be a major issue for those with mental illness. It can come from many different people in their lives, from family to complete strangers. So along with their own issues dealing with symptoms and regaining control of their life back, they also can have a negative influence related to their worth from stigma that can hinder them. Recovery in mental illness is ongoing and develops as the person matures, hopefully progressing in their ability to function better in society (Markowitz, Angell, & Greenberg, 2011). Stigma logically has an influence on self-worth and self-esteem for any group of people. Stigma if a large enough influence can make an individual diagnosed with a mental illness view themselves as tainted or less than before
The impact of stigma is two-fold, there is the public stigma which surrounds mental illness this is the reaction that the general population has towards those unfortunate enough to suffer with mental illness. Then there is self-stigma which is the judgement and prejudice which those suffering with mental illness turn against themselves. Public and self-stigma may be understood in by exploring three concepts: stereotypes, prejudice, and
Deviant beings, especially those who possess a mental illness, are looked down upon by the rest of society. A society, who by nature, is responsible for the stigma attached to mental illness. A mental disorder is a consequential condition which affects a person’s behavior and thinking. The presence of a mental illness can cause significant suffering in a person’s life, and affect their ability to function(Thio, 2010).
Stigma is a universal concept that many patients with severe illnesses experience as they face society. Stigmatization particularly affects patients who display traces of their illness either by scars or noticeable treatment side effects, which they feel negatively impacts their self-worth. In Frank’s narrative At the Will of The Body (2002), Frank shared his personal experience of cancer, which included several incidents where he had felt stigmatized as a result of his disease.
In the article Issues and Controversies says, "Throughout most of human history, people with mental illness were ostracized, isolated, and persecuted." ( Infobase,1) This belief system can give causation of mental illness in different cultures and such influences in a community will always be in a negative manner. Various societies struggle with the notion of mental health. The standards of every culture believe to be considered normal, natural, or healthy. These views lead to disagreements about the causes, diagnosis, and the treatment of the disorders. Many people with mental problems are discriminated against because of their mental disorder. Mental illness and stigma refers to the view of the person with mental illness as having undesirable traits. Stigma leads to negative behavior, stereotyping, and discriminatory behavior towards the person with mental health issues. This stigma causes the affected person to experience denial or shame of their condition. Perceived stigma can result in the patient being scared to seek help. Stigma can be divided into two perspectives, public and self stigma. Upadhyay says, "Public stigma occurs when the general
There are many ways in which the mentally ill are degraded and shamed. Most commonly, people are stated to be “depressed” rather than someone who “has depression”. It is a common perception that mental illnesses are not a priority when it comes to Government spending just as it is forgotten that most mental health disorders can be treated and lead a normal life if treatment is successful. The effect of this makes a sufferer feels embarrassed and feel dehumanized. A common perception is that they should be feared or looked down upon for something they have not caused. People experience stigma as a barrier that can affect nearly every aspect of life—limiting opportunities for employment, housing and education, causing the loss of family ...
Having good mental health allows you to feel, act or think in a normal way and live a normal life. Poor mental health can range from ordinary to more unusual problems that can make you feel unwell, and in some cases even make you lose your mind. In many cases, mental health issues developed due to a series of events or situations continuously happening in your life leaving excessive stress or anxiety disorders. For many suffering from this horrible illness, the discrimination is obvious and severe these days. In A New State of Mind: Ending the Stigma of Mental Illness the goal is to reduce the stigma associated with mental illness and motivate sufferers to seek the help they need before the problem escalates.
Patients who are diagnosed with a mental illness, particularly a serious mental illness, are at risk for disparities in treatment of other medical, non-psychiatric, conditions (Li, et al., 2011). Thornicroft, Rose, & Hassam (2007) stated that much of the general population has a certain ignorance regarding mental illness and tend to make judgments against those who have been diagnosed with mental illness. A social stigma has been placed on those individuals who have been diagnosed with a mental illness, particularly a serious mental illness, which has been defined as those that fall on the schizophrenia spectrum or some type of mood disorder classified as bipolar disorder or major depressive disorder (Mitchell, Malone, & Doebbeling, 2009). It is the opinion of this author that the carry over of this stigma has extended to health care and the way that mentally ill patients are treated in various clinical settings. Further, this author believes that those with a documented mental illness do not receive the same quality of care that those without a documented mental illness do.
Mental health stigma has been a prevalent issue internally and within society. Mental health stigma is caused by pessimistic beliefs and attitudes that persuades others to discriminate or avoid individuals with mental illness or psychiatric care resources (Parcesepe & Cabassa, 2013). This stigma prevents individuals from coming to the conclusion that they have a mental illness and taking part in receiving psychiatric care (Parcesepe & Cabassa, 2013). According to Amuyunzu-Nyamongo (2013), about fourteen percent of global diseases are mental illness. In fact, in low income countries seventy-five percent of accounted illnesses are categorized under mental illnesses and severe psychosis, Africa specifically (Amuyunzu-Nyamongo, 2013; Bird, Omar,
People with a mental illness are often feared and rejected by society. This occurs because of the stigma of mental illness. The stigma of mental illness causes the perception of individuals with mental illnesses to be viewed as being dangerous and insane. They are viewed and treated in a negative way. They are almost seen as being less of a human. The stigma affects the individual with a mental illness in such a cruel way. The individual cannot even seek help without the fear of being stigmatized by their loved ones or the general public. The stigma even leads to some individuals developing self-stigma. This means having a negative perception of one’s self, such as viewing one’s self as being dangerous. The worst part is that the effects of
Social and financial disadvantages are common among people with mental a disorder and have great impact on their quality of life. However, these disadvantages are not the only hardship that they have to face in their daily life. In fact, stigma and discrimination against people with mental a disorder can be worse than the mental health condition itself. They are a big barrier in the rehabilitation process and the journey towards life chances of these individuals. Public stigma, self-stigma and discriminatory behaviours all contribute to the daily struggles and build on top of the pre-existing challenges that they face in dealing with their mental health condition.