Stewardship Proposal

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Pierre-Henry Buisson October , 2017
St Luke's Episcopal Church Proper 21 A

Praise to you Lord from whom all blessings flow.

The Old Testament reading, once again, was about the complaining of the Israelites, this times they needed water. Once again God took care of them. God is always providing, helping, and actively present in our lives, no matter what is happening. Is not that a very good news as we begin our 2018 Stewardship campaign? God will provide! We just have to put our trust in Him, and act accordingly.

In the Gospel, Jesus challenges us to see outside of the box. He challenges us to ponder and seek his presence in the world around us. Because, this was exactly the problem he had with the civil and religious …show more content…

It’s also about why we give, it’s about to whom we give. Our pledge is more than just a check, or a bill. More than an amount of money: our pledge is a spiritual offering. A spiritual offering that reflects our priorities and our acknowledgment that all we have comes from God; a spiritual offering that reflects our desire to give back to God for all the blessings of our lives. There is spiritual joy, spiritual fulfillment in giving. Our pledge should not be a boring obligation, but a joyful time of reflection, a thankful time to think about our blessings, and a generous offering of our time, talents, and treasure to the Lord through the …show more content…

So why giving to the church when my money could help saving dying babies in Africa, or helping people in a nursing home or a great program for disabled people? The truth is that our church needs our help too! When we give to the church, we give back to God. We support God’s Mission, we help the spread of the Kingdom of God. The church is present to share our joys; the church is there when we are suffering; the church is there when we are mourning; the church is present when we are looking for support, meaning, truth... The church helps us in our spiritual journey and in our daily lives. And the church is present in the community and in the world through the work and support of Outreach. So, why giving to St Luke’s? Because together we can continue to change lives by doing God’s work!

How much should you give? Only you, only you, can decide what amount is right for you depending on what is going on in your life, and your possibilities. Some of us live paycheck to pay check, others don’t have enough to pay their bills, while others are financially secure. Only you can discern through prayer what is the right amount, but no matter how much or how little we can give, the importance is to give something, as a thankful offering to the

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