Stereotypes Of Voting

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Did you know that only 58.5% of people from the ages of 18 through 24 are registered to vote? What happened to the other 41.5%? Did they forget to register? In some cases that may be it, but most of the time it is that people believe that their vote does not matter. These low registration numbers are important because they show how the citizens of the United States feel towards our government and feel towards our democratic voting system. I am a Junior in highschool, and everyday I see the common lack of knowledge about politics and government throughout people of all ages. Not only do they not understand politics, but they also dislike it when they hear anything about it. The common stereotype that politics are bad and that politics should …show more content…

By this I mean, they feel they cannot change anything about our government; hence, why so many people think their vote does not matter. Also, I found that in the 2012 presidential elections only 57.5% of the United States population voted. The reason as to why this is so important is because Barack Obama won the popular vote by only 5 million people. Some may think that is a large margin, but in reality it isn’t because over 90 million U.S. citizens did not vote. If those 90 million U.S. citizens actually voted, then our presidential election could have turned out very differently (Harden). Sadly, we will never know because so many people believe their vote does not …show more content…

Show the youth of America that the government is not evil and having discussions about politics is a good thing. We need to teach them about how the country is ran, not just teach them that there are three branches of our government. You only need a half year of government class to graduate high school, this should be changed. There needs to be multiple classes, so our youth will know about our government and politics. I suggest that there should be three to four classes required throughout high school. With that would come full knowledge about our government and the ins and outs of it. There needs to be open discussions, instead someone of being quieted because of talking about today’s problems, that someone should be praised. It is not okay that we let our youth go into the adult lifehood not having anywhere near a sufficient understanding about how our country is managed. Many people could argue, that half a year of government class is enough, but that is not the case at all. I have talked with many adults who have graduated high school a long time ago and many people who have graduated high school recently. I found out the only individuals who I could have a discussion about our government with, is the people who willingly took the time into learning the foundation of our

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