Stereotypes Of African American Culture In 12 Years A Slave

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12 Years a Slave
The United States of America has a culture as many as others countries. The rest of the world depends usually on movies in order to have knowledge about American culture. Movies in general are not just a movies, they are not for fun only, some of them produced for purposes. There are bunch of various movies represent American culture directly and indirectly. Everyone knows that The United State of America is very fair country; and they do not have a racist against specific people. In the past, the United States of America was racist republic by having racist against African American. The white people enslaved African American people as slaves also, they had the ability to do what they want from them brutally. 12 Years a Slave, …show more content…

White people in the past think that they are the only human being in the United States of America, and they are completely able to control other people particularly African American people. According to Abraham Lincoln “Whenever I hear anyone arguing for slavery, I feel a strong impulse to see it tried on him personally.” He does not like the idea of slavery in the united States of America. The color is an issue in 20th century in the United States of America, who is white he has the rights nonetheless, the others people like African American for instance do not have at least the basic rights. According to August Wilson, he said “As long as the colored man look to white folks to put the crown on what he say... as long as he looks to white folks for approval... then he ain 't never gonna find out who he is and what he 's about.”. Wilson thinks that white folks was able to control everything they want because they are white not black. 12 Years a Slave signalize the white American people with people who have black skin. Moreover, it shows reaction African people from the white people while they were working for them as unfree people. White people own black people as a product not a human being; they did not have the realization of the negative ramifications. Philadelphia is the …show more content…

Mythology is a invisible part in 12 Years a Slave, however it is extremely exist. There are an impression that African people or black people are created to be slaves for white people. In Europe and Meddle East hindered years ago, there are many black slaves were working for white people, and they do not have any type of rights to ask for. White people think that black human are unable to be allowed to seek for their entitlements, which are receivable to ask for them. Being a slave is not as an option or choice, according to C.S Lewis he claim “But one of the worst results of being a slave and being forced to do things is that when there is no one to force you any more you find you have almost lost the power of forcing yourself.” He has an option that no one can judge ether to be free person or not. Mythology has been represented in 12 Year a Slave that black people are not able to be slaves

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