Stereotypes In Tyler Perry's House Of Payne

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Throughout the history of history of television, the creators of the show are trying to always portray certain people a certain way. In television show “Tyler Perry’s House of Payne” Curtis Payne, the father, and Ella Payne, the mother are portrayed based on their negative racial stereotypes of African Americans, the traditional gender roles, as well as the time period when the show takes place. The characters in Tyler Perry’s House of Payne are subjected to a series of negative gender roles. Most notably would be the characterization of C.J Payne. In the episode “PayneFul Resolution” Calvin is unable to cook for his daughter and ends up making her a sandwich with only mustard on it with a plate of store bought cookies for her dinner. This …show more content…

Throughout the narrative of the story, several examples of characters being portrayed by their race’s negative racial stereotypes. A great example of the negative racial stereotypes is the character Calvin Payne. In the episode “Payneful Assistance”, Calvin was arrested for owing child support to his “baby mama”. This scene in particular where Calvin is in jail and meets some random family member in jail. This exemplifies the racial stereotype against African Americans by portraying them in a negative light. The show portrays African American fathers as deadbeats and having multiple kids by multiple mothers. Another way I believe that scene in particular shows that racial stereotypes are present is the fact that Calvin, while in jail, had 2 cousins in jail with him randomly. This scene tries to make it seem like if you are black, you are guaranteed to have someone you know in jail. Also, throughout the show, many racial undertones are present, for example most of the all the characters talk with a certain loud slang and absent fathers are common. This conforms to the negative racial stereotypes placed upon African

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