Stereotypes In Softball

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Playing sports that were more masculine than cheerleading automatically made me less feminine than other girls. Growing up playing sports I was forced to encounter various types of stereotypes and comments. There were comments like, “don’t break a nail”, “you throw like a girl” but the one that caught my attention the most was the stereotype, “because you play softball you must be a lesbian”. There are so many names used to describe softball players. Because I played softball it automatically made people think I was “a lesbian”, “a boy” or “a dyke”. Where do these assumptions come from? People made automatic assumptions about everyone who played softball, and still do to this day. Every day I was judged for the sport I played, not for who I …show more content…

Whether its assumptions about sports, masculinity, identity or even race. Why are people made fun of, judged and talked about in their community for things they cannot truly change? I think that it is ridiculous that people have to live their lives worried about what other people think of them. For example, every practice and game day I was scared that I would forget to put a bow in my hair because apparently putting a bow in my hair let everyone know that I wasn’t a lesbian. I was scared of the judgements I would get from people at my school the next day, as if I didn’t get enough already. I think it is incredibly sad that people not only made fun of me for their own pleasure, but they made fun of me and everyone else on my team knowing the truth about who we …show more content…

It should also allow people to be showered with advice and not judgement. Your community plays a big role in your life, one’s identity is related to one’s social location. Your community can influence you towards a certain identity, or it can influence you to stay in your own bubble because of the terrible judgments and comments that surround your community. It can also influence people to follow in others footsteps. For example, calling softball players lesbians and dykes only continues because younger kids are influenced by older kids. Today people grow up in a society that it is okay to make fun of others and that it is okay to put others down for what they believe in, their identities, what they wear and look like, and the sports they

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