Stereotypes In A Doll's House

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Ibsen’s play, “A Doll’s House” was written in the late 1800s, a time in which women had many limits and restrictions. In a male dominated society, the literature will portray female characters as stereotypical, not complex, and female readers will have a difficult time relating to the text. Ibsen’s play demonstrates how this idea is incorrect. This play, “A doll’s house” is a strong example of how one woman would not allow her thoughts, behaviors, and values to be dictated by men’s beliefs. The needs of her family prompted the choices she made, which conflicted with the era she lived in. The main character, a woman named Nora, wasn’t the stereotypical woman. Nora set new standards for women and displayed her independence. Throughout the play Nora exemplified the ways to overcome these stereotypes.

In a time when women were known for being helpless and dependent upon men, Nora did the unthinkable. Nora initially seemed like a playful, naïve child who lacked knowledge of the world around her. Nora’s secretive actions of rebellion, towards her husband, seemed to indicate that she was not as innocent or happy as she appeared. For instance, in the beginning of the play, Torvald, Nora’s husband, falls ill. Nora, unbeknownst to her husband, decided to take out a loan from Krogstad. The needs of her family provoked her defiant actions. Men, the heads of their households, were not to rely on their wives. This was a sign of weakness. Nora, feeling empowered, liked the fact that she was able to care for her husband. In other words, she assumed the role of a man. Fortunately, Nora understood the business details related to the loan she secured to preserve Torvald’s health. Not only does this demonstrate her intelligence, but it als...

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...the children. However, he insisted that she remain in the house because he wants to save “the appearance” of their household. Torvald is very conscious of other people’s perceptions and of his standing in the community. Nora’s decision in foraging the signature caused Torvald unwavering grief. A woman, his wife, had provided for the family in a time of strife. She did what he could not. In his mind this exhibited weakness. In the end, Nora was done pretending to be someone she was not, in order to fulfill the role that Torvald, her father, and society expected her to be.

The play, “A doll’s house” is an awe-inspiring example of how one woman would not allow society to dictate who she was and also shows us how Nora was a complex character. In the end, It’s every person’s right to become the person they’re intended to be, not the person society wants them to be.

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