Stardust Theme

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The film Stardust directed by Matthew Vaughn is about a man named Tristan played by Charlie Cox who travels to a realm of Faerie to obtain a fallen star. However when Tristan comes across what was thought to be space rock, which turned out to be a woman named Yvaine (Claire Danes) who is in great danger from a witch who wants Yvaine's heart for eternal youth and beauty. Yvaine also faces the danger of the king's two remaining sons who wish to use Yvaine and the necklace she bares seize control of the throne and be crowned king of Stormhold a kingdom in Faerie. The three most interesting aspects of the film were the setting, theme, and the characters. Stardust was set in England.It is based in a small English village named Wall, It is separated from Faerie a supernatural world by a wall. The only way someone could enter Faerie was a break in the wall. The style and the mood are set with older buildings and way of living.The old-fashioned clothes like corsets, long colorful pleated skirts like gypsies and clothes like pirates. And the belief that witches exist and dialogue tells us that it's based on the late 18th century to the early 19th century with a very formal British accent. …show more content…

In Tristan's attempt to find a real star he finds Yvaine. He binds one another using a magical chain that cannot be broken unless Tristan releases the chain or dies. This theme occurs many times over with witches having their own slave girls to do their work for them. which lead to another disturbing theme in the film which is the older women preying on the younger woman for their Youth and beauty. This is seen when the witch Lamia tries the steal Yvaine's heart through a sacrificial ritual.Making the older women in the film look cruel and deceiving holding onto what little life they have left to abuse the younger

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