Starbucks Case Study

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The problem is, Starbucks is everywhere. It doesn’t matter where you are, in New York or Bangladesh - there is one guarantee – you will find a Starbucks. So, what’s the problem with Starbucks? How has it gone from being the shop that everybody would meet their friends and to be the company is almost as bad as the McDonald’s? Well, let me explain. It finds its origins in the passion of three friends in Seattle. They started a coffee bean roasting business initially to sell high-quality coffees. Then this guy, Howard Schultz, suggested applying a concept of a socializing, reading, and trendy cafés to Starbucks, after he got inspired by coffee shops in Milan. However, it was rejected, and Schultz boldly left the company and established his own chain believing the concept would bring him success. And he was damn right. Then he bought Starbucks, who foolishly ignored his idea, branched it out into the international market, and became a legend of American success story. Anyway, the point is: I am sick and tired of people chattering about their hatred of Starbucks! What’s more, those people think they are so smart and people who like Starbucks are losers. Before I start attacking those haters and some of you close the tab thinking, ‘I don’t want to be lectured by a typical Starbucks lover’, I have to say, I am NOT a Starbucks lover or hater. So you may move your cursor away from resting on the ‘X’. Who could have imagined a coffee shop becoming a popular target of hatred! It seems pathetic to me how people waste their time and energy on cursing Starbucks, but surprisingly they have a long list of their own reasons. (Google and count how many posts are entitled ‘5 reasons I hate Starbucks’ and even websites made purely to critici... ... middle of paper ... ...d…” This is mainly because it familiarizes coffee to locals, bringing coffee as a part of life. Also, it is the “vain” side of Starbucks that keeps moms and pops alive. High-price, bitter taste, and no discount cards leads some customers to turn away from the massive chain and head to localised shops. No wonder why 57% of America’s coffee shops are mom and pops when Starbucks is restlessly expanding their coffee empire at the same time. I would also like to add, the majority of those mom and pop coffeehouses and some other chains like Gloria Jean’s originated from Starbucks – it set a new successful coffee business model. So haters, admit it. Starbucks is too good. It is your needs and vanity that keep it alive and thriving. Don’t waste your energy on debating about a meaningless subject. If you really cannot stop yourself chattering about it, do your research.

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