Standardized Education Decline

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Two Articles have a different point of view of education, more specifically the effect of standardized tests on education. The first article is "The Quality of Education has Declined" by Karl Zinsmeister and the second article is "The Quality of Education has not Declined" by David C. Berliner. Both of these articles use ethos, pathos, and logos to support their argument that education has either declined or maintained due to standardized testing. Both "The Quality of Education has Declined" and "The Quality of Education has not Declined" have a contradictory argument regarding each other's opinion. Karl Zinsmeiter argues that education has suffered greatly since the age of standardized testing with lower education by teaching the test and eroding standards (Zinsmeiter, 2000). David C. Berliner argues that education has not suffered at all due to standardized test and claims that the lower SAT scores do not indicate achievement and that the NAEP(National Assessment of Educational Progress) does; and he claims that if there is a deficiency in learning it is due to the location and amount of days in school (Berliner, 2000). These texts disagree on whether or not education has declined. They also disagree that if there is a decline it only affects school systems for different …show more content…

It is used heavily by both Berliner and Zinsmeister. All of statistics about the SAT scores are an example of logos for both Berliner and Zinsmeister (Berliner, 2000) (Zinsmeister 2000). Another example of logos for Berliner is "One of the problems is that Americans have decided not to work their children in school as hard as do parents in other nations, including a decision to have many less days of formal schooling (180) per year than either Japan (240) or South Korea (225)" (Berliner, 2000). All the data from NAEP in Zinsmeiter's article is logos in action. All of these fact improve their ethos as they are not using just unsupported

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