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Lower back pain affects around 15% and 45% of the general American population (Schoenfeld). There are several conditions that can create lower back pain and sensory symptoms. Typically conditions cause is degeneration of disk, compression of nerves and/or arteries, or bony formation/ inflammation. One of the most common lower back condition is Spondylosis, degeneration of intervertebral disk and is often paired with Spondylitis which creates inflammation of the joints of the spine. It is important to note conditions can create other issues such as referred pain and compensations. Thoracic outlet syndrome causes neurological complications and referred pain in other structures. Sometimes there is underlying compensations which are not found secondary to other conditions, an example of this is Vertebral …show more content…

Spondylitis occurs with repeated extension and hyperlordosis of the lumbar spine. The condition is more common in young adult females who tend to have low bone density and muscle imbalances. (Starkey, 519) The patient will complain of joint stiffness and loss of mobility. (Wang,1) Spondylitis if not treated early con gradually affect the intervertebral discs and paravertebral ligaments. (Yang,1) Because of the vertebral inflammation there may be gross visible deformity such as bamboos spine, vertebral body fusion by marginal syndesmophytes and posterior vertebral elements. There may also be a palpable “step-off” deformity at the lumbar level. Several tests well be completed to element other possible diagnosis such as disc herniation and facet joint pathology. A spring test and single leg stance with resistance may reveal pain and hypermobility of at the involved segment. There is currently no standard of care typically treatment is focuses on control of spinal inflammation by anti-inflammatory drugs and physical therapy to reduce pain and stiffness.

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