Split Movie Analysis

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This paper analyzes M. Night Shyamalan’s newest film, Split. Labeled as a horror movie, Split is the type of movie to get a person to think. The psychological thriller portrays Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) through a man with twenty three different and distinct personalities. The man kidnaps three girls for a variety of reasons, and eventually a twenty fourth personality emerges. The fourth identity is not human, thus exaggerating the idea that DID is a valid disorder. Split, a film that includes themes of child abuse, symbolism, and trauma, is something that everyone should not only watch, but understand (Trailer, 2017).

Split Split, M. Night Shyamalan’s newest psychological thriller, was released on January 20, 2017. The movie was both written …show more content…

She opens the door, but the girls discover it is Kevin wearing a skirt and high heels. This personality is known as Patricia, a polite British woman. Patricia assures the girls that she has talked to Dennis and that he is not allowed to touch or hurt them. The next personality the girls meet is a nine year old boy named Hedwig. He is adorned in a bright blue tracksuit and has an extreme lisp. His speech is immature and he keeps repeating “He is on the move.” to the girls. Hedwig explains that “The Beast” is coming for them. In another therapy session, Karen mentions that Kevin has 23 distinct identities. Barry then becomes Dennis as Karen mentions a 24th identity, "The Beast", whom Dennis says is indeed real. Karen then asks if she could see Dennis’ house as she is suspicious of his actions. While there, Karen finds the girls and tries to convince Dennis that what he is doing is wrong. Dennis then reveals that he has all three girls held captive because they are impure. He is convinced that they have never experienced true pain and suffering, and that “The Beast” will change that. When Karen did not understand, she was sprayed with the toxin used before and

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