Speed of Dissolving Jelly

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Speed of Dissolving Jelly Introduction

The investigation I have to do is I have to investigate what affects

the speed at which the jelly will dissolve in water. This

investigation will be using the theories we have covered on the rates

of reaction and the collison theory.

I am going to try to get the jelly to dissolve quicker by increasing

the surface area.

I predit that when increasing the surface area of some jelly, I think

each time I change the surface area then the time the jelly dissolves

will be increased. I think this because each piece of the jelly I will

be using will be small, so in that case there will be less to

dissolve, as I think increasing the surface area in any investigation

will speed up a reaction.

So the smaller the pieces of jelly, the quicker my groups reaction

will happen, as more collisions. As in the collision theory, it says

that when increasing a surface area more collissions will happen. This

is why I feel my prediction is correct.

During this experiment I will be changing only one thing which will be

the suface area of the cube of jelly.

I will be keeping the temperature the same all throughout the

experiment it will stay at 600c, the weight of the jelly will also

stay the same, every piece of jelly will be 9 grams. Keeping all of

these the same will ensure that it is a fair test.

The equipment I will be using during this experiment will be:

§ Bunsen Burner

§ Tripod

§ Jelly

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