Speech At Clermont For The First Crusade

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INTRO - In 1095 C.E. Pope Urban II made a speech at Clermont in the South of France, to mount the first crusade to rescue the Holy Land of Jerusalem from the (Seljuk Turks) Muslims and to give it back to the Christians. Religious obligation and personal gain would be the most important motivations for the crusades. When the Emperor of the Byzantine Empire asked Pope Urban II to help regain the Holy Land for the Christians, the Pope agreed to help and gave out the call at Clermont for the Crusade (there are no transcripts) but a Priest named Fulcher of Chartres was present and documented the speech. The crusades involved people from every country in Europe. The Pope wanted them to give up their daily lives and to take the cross and to fight for the return of the Holy Land, the place where Christ was crucified and rose from the dead. The Pope never expected thousands of …show more content…

So the Church had to promise more benefits such as, peasants being freed from their roles in the feudal system, the Church would pay taxes owed by the people and any debt would be wiped out and property and family would be protected. FINANCIAL GAIN – War also brought financial gain for Knights, Nobles, Lords and fighters. The benefits of the Crusades could bring them financial gain or even higher status in society. Lots of money wash spent on equipment to be ready for battle, so when they fought battles and plundered and pillaged different lands, they gained personal wealth by taking the riches in the Holy Land. The motivations of the Nobles were different to that of the other people. The did not act with what the Pope had said in his speech, instead they used the crusades as an opportunity to gain land and valuables by killing innocent people along the way to the Holy Land and taking the land and riches from the people they

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