Spanking: A Controversy Discipline Measure

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Spanking is often considered a controversial disciplinary measure, though it can be seen as a necessary one. Growing up, whenever I was mischievous my parents would talk to me and spank me to make me realize what I did was wrong and not to do it again. The spanking comes from the use of physical force to help children remember the feeling of pain before making a bad decision. In moderation, spanking can be an effective discipline measure because of how effectively it can establish parental authority, foster loving intentions, and teach children how to act. To start with, spanking children can help provide more authority for parents in the way of disciplining their kids. As kids act out of line, as a parent it’s good to remind them of what to …show more content…

The article states, “Backup spanking comes in”. It involves two swats of an open hand to the rear end, and parents should affirm love for the child afterward. Research finds this to be most effective with 2- to 6-year-olds.” Spanking helps younger kids gain respect for their parents as they show them authority. To continue, why spanking in moderation can be useful is how this violence is only used for love. When spanking children, a balance between love and abuse has to be drawn. As a parent, knowing the difference when spanking your kids is important. Depending on how this punishment is used, kids can have an understanding that their parents are only using violence to help them learn. The article, it said “Just like any disciplinary tactic, the outcome with spanking depends on how it is used. The child must understand that the parent is doing it out of concern — not out of rage or frustration, or to show who's the boss. Parents should not be out of control due to anger if they are spanking in this way.” Knowing the intention of parents can help their children understand that ultimately spanking comes from a loving intention of helping their kids make better …show more content…

According to the text “In several studies, kids whose parents used a balance of love and limits, including backup spanking, were found to be doing much better 10 years later during adolescence than kids whose parents were overly punitive and did not show love in various ways to the child.” Overall, spanking with limitations can show kids the proper way to behave while showing how much their parents love them. Emphasizing why spanking in moderation can be beneficial. Others may disagree, saying that any sort of violence can be harmful to kids. Solving a violence issue can be harmful for the kids, leaving them at risk of depression. The article states, “Corporal punishment in the home has been banned in 31 countries, including Spain, Israel, Kenya, and Costa Rica. No such prohibition exists in the United States, although 32 states have laws forbidding teachers and administrators from striking students.” Shows how in different countries, spanking is frowned upon and seen as unnecessary while here in the U.S. it’s common to see. A small dose of violence can help children understand better. According to the text, ‘Not all children will suffer negative consequences of

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