Space Exploration Argumentative Essay

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Another idea on the positive impacts that space exploration could provide for the human race is the fact that we could find resources to help replenish Earth’s valuable resources. These resources can include clean water, land for farming, and eventually, even clean air could become scarce (Schwartz 70). Schwartz explains that although we do not know that Earth’s valuable resources will become scarce, the idea of a major population increase and the risk of overpopulation, can pose as the problem that makes Earth’s valuable resources scarce (Schwartz 70). One possibility that we can use to help alleviate this problem of “Exhausting” are population control plans, such as limiting the amount of children that each family could have (Schwartz 71). …show more content…

Many people find space exploration to be an unnecessary cost and that space exploration poses the potential threat of interfering and potentially destroying life on other planets. The idea that the cost could be outrageously expensive is deterring for a lot of people because it would mean not spending money on other things that could take prevalence on Earth. Destroying life on other planets could be something that goes against moral standards because we would not want to prevent life from growing or prospering by stealing their resources. Furthermore, it would be a style of killing to accidentally kill life on other planets, and murder, especially in utilitarianism (as murder could somehow impact that greater good), is not morally …show more content…

More specifically, Greenberg and Tufts have the idea that we could potentially contaminate the life forms on other planets well before we are given the chance to study them (Greenberg and Tufts 296). Furthermore, Greenberg and Tufts also believe that with space exploration, we increase the risk of contaminating one of Jupiter’s moons known as Europa (Greenberg and Tufts 298-299). The idea of risk come from the fact that there are oceans of ice on Europa which show signs of supporting life within them (Greenberg and Tufts 299). The fact that these oceans of ice could contain life, gives them more susceptibility of becoming contaminated with something that the researching astronauts bring with them while attempting to do research on Europa (Greenberg and Tufts 299). To combat this objection, one has to think of the possibilities that these life forms could have with them. If these life forms are some sort of bacteria or protozoa that could contain something that could help better the lives of humans on Earth, it may be acceptable to conduct some research on them, as it would help the greater good of the human population on

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