Soybeans Essay

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Soybeans are a popular legume used to produce soy milk, tofu, soy sauce and other products. Also known as edamame beans, the FDA reports that soybeans may help reduce cholesterol and improve your heart health. Grow your own soybeans to have them fresh from the garden at a fraction of the cost of retail stores.

Best Planting Time
Due to the soil conditions, early May is typically the optimal time to prepare and plant soybeans. If you want to have the best possibility of a successful crop, you cannot rely on the date alone. Soil temperatures below 55 degrees Fahrenheit are too cold for soybeans to successfully germinate and produce healthy plants. The seed will struggle in lower temperatures, leaving it susceptible to disease. Ensure that the soil has had sufficient time to warm to at least 55 to 60 degrees before planting.
Soil Content and Preparation
Well-drained, nutritive soil provides the best results when you plant soybeans. If the plot of land is heavy in clay, it can be lacking in nutrients, which may prevent soybean plants from thriving. Clay absorbs large amounts of water, c...

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