South Korea Situation Analysis Paper

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Good Afternoon, I hope all is well and that you’re enjoying your Thanksgiving week. After reading this weeks assigned material, I assessed the North Korean Intelligence community as capable within their surrounding region, but marginally capable at an international level. The reason I have assessed them as marginally capable is because they lack the technical capabilities of reaching beyond their region. It was plain to see that their primary focus was on South Korea, Japan and the United States Military Installations. According to Pike, “North Korean intelligence and security services collect political, military, economic, and technical information through open-source, human intelligence, and signals intelligence capabilities (Pike …show more content…

The North Korean’s have an extremely well trained Special Operations Forces (SOF). They are the largest Special Operations Force in the world. Currently, the North Korean SOF numbers more than 100.000 soldiers, approximately 10 percent of their active duty military. These Special Operations Forces are utilized as HUMINT operators. They are inserted into South Korea via amphibious or air insertion. An example of this would be the following. “In September 1996, North Korean Special Operations Forces {SOF) infiltrated the South Korean eastern coast near the town of Kangnung. The North Koreans, numbering 26, abandoned their stranded submarine and rushed from beach into the surrounding hills. What followed was a two-month bloody manhunt for the infiltrators that left all but two of the North Koreans dead. During the manhunt, 16 South Korean soldiers and civilians died and 27 were wounded.” (Dies 2004). This mission was considered just typical mission that went wrong. I assess the their HUMINT capability as highly capable because they have at least 100,000 specially trained operators that have the ability operate in South Korea to gain intelligence on South Korea and United States Military

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