Sources Of Law Case Study

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2- May 2014, HW assignment 1 Chapters 1-8 Due 13MAY2014
Ahmed Elbadawy

1) List the sources of law?

Answer: law consists of many layers that interact together at different stages of government in order to support the personal rights, duties and describe the frame work of business, at the very base of these sources lays the constitutional law that can be simplified as the whole body of principals that describes the governmental structure and states the relationship between the people and their government. It is divided into two main branches the state constitution and federal constitutions. As well other sources of law contain the statuary law that consists of legislative acts that declare commands and prohibits some actions. At the state levels, statutes control the process of foundation of corporations, probate of wills, and property title transferring processes. It is divided into three parties that are the state legislatures, the federal U.S congress & the local government. And there are also the administrative laws that are decided by two agencies that are the state administrative agencies & the federal administrative agencies and these laws have the same forces of statutes. And the presence of private laws is very important as it sets the rules and regulations parties agree to as per their contractual relationships. Case laws, treaties and executive orders, and uniform state law are all considered also sources of law

2) What are uniform laws and why would states adopt them?

Answer: uniform state laws are Statutes drafted by the National Conference of Commissioners on uniform state laws (NCCUSL) that is a committee composed from different representatives from every state. Best example is the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC...

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...“every person who shall monopolize or attempt to monopolize, or combine, or conspire with any other person or persons to monopolize any part of the trade or commerce among the several states, or with foreign nations, shall be deemed guilty of a felony” (Twoney, 2011,p.92). As a result the US government has set very restrictive and supervises any attempts or misleading advertising campaigns to protect its citizens when dealing in trades whether nationally or internationally.

10) Name an International Trade organization and state their function.


11) Companies may operate in foreign countries in different forms. What are 5 of these forms?

12) What is a crime?

Answer: crime is an illegal act that is defined by law against the society or any individual and has legal statues of punishments that usually leads to jail or even execution.

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