Soul Food Video Analysis

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This video was very, very interesting to me because it talks about how soul food can be bad for the body. I do agree with the video when it talks about how soul food is considered traditional in African American culture. Eating fried chicken, collard greens, mac and cheese and corn bread for dinner almost every night was a daily routine for a black family. I especially agree with this video when Dick Gregory called soul food, death food because it will kill you (21:50). Soul food back in the day was different from the soul food today because back in the day people receive their soul food from the garden and farms which were considered fresh with no chemicals in it. Not only were the food back in the day were fresh but the food proportion was different. The book and video both states that consuming large amounts of fat and greasy foods can increase the risk of developing a cardiovascular disease (Lutz, C. A., Mazur, E., & Litch, N., 2015, pg. 55). The video suggest that people should stay away from fried foods and meat and become a vegetarian (24:32). The book on the other hand suggest that people should lower …show more content…

Rodney L. Ellis in the video (31:56). Heating oil that hot can generate potentially carcinogenic compounds, and then known carcinogens such as heterocyclic amines and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons form when the muscles of chickens and fish are cooked at that temperature and these compounds are associated with cancer. (Greger, M., 2015). I also did not know that the incidence of pancreatic cancer is 50-90% higher in African Americans than any other racial group in the U.S. (38:09). The pancreas is an organ located behind the stomach. Pancreatic cancer begins when cells in the pancreas start to grow uncontrollably and exocrine cancers are by far the most common type of pancreas cancer (American Cancer Society,

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