Sophie's Agency In 'Of Moving Castles And Flying House'

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Without the constraint of fear holding her back, Sophie also learns how to speak her mind and assert herself into a conversation where before she often thought, “’What made me think I wanted life to be interesting?’” (Jones 18). As an old woman she demands respect and authority. When she comes upon the castle herself, she demands the castle to “Stop!” so she can enter and, “The castle obediently came to a rumbling, grinding halt about fifty feet uphill from her” (Jones 46). Sophie’s agency as an old woman, as Gili Bar-Hillel in “Of Moving Castles and Flying Houses: The Wizard of Oz and Howl’s Moving Castle as Interconnected Milestones in Children’s Fantasy Literature,” explains is “…a form which she finds greater freedom and power than afforded …show more content…

Jones depends on magic as a way to measure and explore Sophie’s agency, which climaxes in her ability to change back to a young woman. At the beginning of the text, when Sophie is unaware of her power she is hesitant and obedient. Jones chooses to slowly build toward the revelation of Sophie’s power – talking hats into being married off, Turniphead coming to life, among other things – before her power is revealed. Sophie’s power, and ultimately the way she breaks her own curse is Sophie’s agency coming into full fruition. Magic becomes a part of Sophie’s identity, and she has been allowed to choose the situations and direction that enabled her to discover that part of herself. Even though, Sophie resists the fact that she is a witch, often joking about it with Michael and Howl to scare the local patrons, but throughout there is an underlying sense of truth. Sophie knows something is up with her with the stick, the flowers, but Mrs. Pendragon gives Sophie’s power a name: “It brings life to things, such as that stick in your hand…I think you would not find it too hard to break that contract” (Jones 236). By giving her gift a name, it becomes more tangible. Sophie knows that she has the power to choose the way her life goes, she is aware of what she has done in the past and knows she can use her gifts to fulfill her own desires. She has the power on her own to break the contract between Howl and Calcifer, which she knew already, and break the curse on herself. This power structure has shifted since the beginning of the book when Sophie didn’t accept any authority or make decisions for herself. Sophie learns through magic to accept not only her place and her own beauty, but she must accept the fact that being a witch, and understanding power, is now a part of her

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