Song Comparison: Life Is A Song By Patrick Park

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Song Comparison Essay - Rough Draft

In today’s society, the virtue of courage is often neglected and avoided. Reserved only for firefighters, military personnel and police, such daring character trait seems insignificant in comparison to personal security, causing one to live compromisingly. Humankind tend to remain in a state that may be stable yet does not fulfill, comfortable but unsatisfying. In particular, phrases such as “it’s too risky” and “don’t even try” might sound heedful and foresighted; however, they hold one back from pursuing goals and becoming his/her best self. Both “Life is a Song” by Patrick Park and “The Show” by Lenka present the idea that courage is required in order to live life to its fullest. Firstly, simile is used by both authors to illustrate the confined life of an individual in society. Secondly, metaphors emphasize on the dismay one feels toward the uncertain future in life. Lastly, vivid verbs employed in both songs exemplify the consequences of one who continues to live life in an apprehensive manner.
Both songs, with the use of simile, demonstrate how one requires audacity in order to be free from society’s limited circumstances in relation to life. Park employs simile to exhibit the fact that individuals are tired of mindlessly following society’s definite rules, shown by how people “stand in lines like [they’re] dead upon [their] feet” (Park). This phrase compares one’s act of obeying to the social norm with a lifeless action, presenting how it is unrealistic and senseless to abide by the orders of society as one is unable to express freedom. In order to live life to its fullest, which comes from having individuality, one must demonstrate courage so to be free from society’s standards and bo...

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...adversity in order to experience the full potential of life. Simile is used to describe the way society limits individuality. Metaphors put emphasis on how one is afraid due to the unknown destination in life. Vivid verbs help to convey the result of one who dwells in distress. In life, people are limited to its full potential due to fear: fear of failure, fear or rejection, fear of humiliation… Many believe that getting rid of fear is the key to become a courageous human being, leading to a perfect life. However, the ultimate goal is to be free from the control characterized by fear, which is moving forward in life despite the presence of fear. With the idea of not letting fear paralyze one from achieving the goals in mind, a promising and abundant life is foreseeable. As Mark Twain once said, “Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear – not absence of fear.”

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