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The foster care system essays
Solution-focused therapy goals
Solution-focused therapy goals
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The article “The Implementation of Solution-Focused Therapy to Increase Foster Care Placement Stability” was written in 2010 by Jeffrey J. Koob and Susan M. Love. Entering the foster care system and being placed in a new environment can be challenging transition for both children and adolescents. As a result, “one to two-thirds will have disruptions in their placements” with most being adolescents (Koob and Love, 2010, p.1346). In order to reduce the number of disruptions, Koob and Love focused on promoting stability for adolescents in foster care through the use of Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT). Rather than using Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), the article proposed that through the use of short term treatment with SFBT adolescents …show more content…
will have a greater chance at placement stability. The article presented similar viewpoints of literature about children and adolescents having difficulty connecting to their new families. Koob and Love (2010) stated that foster care children over the age of 11 tend to have the most difficulty establishing bonds with their foster care family. Based on my experience working in the foster care, I agree with this statement. Adolescents placed in foster care do tend to be more resistant to adapting to their new placement which then increases placement disruptions. Koob and Love (2010) also point out that with these disruptions there is an increased chance for group care which then denies them the opportunity to have positive connections and a normal family life. It is expected through the use of SFBT disruptions in placement will be reduced so that those in foster care can maintain that connection. Solution Focused Brief Therapy Solution Focused Brief Therapy was created co-created by Inoso Kim Berg and Steve de Shazer and it focuses on working with the client in order to develop solutions (Koob & Love, 2010). Each session is approached as if it is the first and last session (Koob & Love, 2010). SFBT is based on the following main principles: the client is the expert, problem and solution are not connected, and the main focus is on the client’s strengths (Koob & Love, 2010). With this the focus is taken away from the whole problem and focuses solely on supporting the client and identifying ways to build upon their strength’s. Koob and Love (2010) express that it is easier for clients to build upon their own strengths and repeat successful behaviors rather than utilizing techniques that have worked for others. Some of the techniques utilized during SFBT are asking coping, scaling, and miracle questions (Koob & Love, 2010). In addition, the clinician can assist the client with reframing their perspective from negative to positive as well as compliment the client on their strengths (Koob & Love, 2010). By utilizing these techniques, the client is able to provide their perspectives about the situation and is involved in coming up with goals to improve their situation. According to Koob & Love (2010) several studies have proven SFBT to be an effective intervention that has been utilized with a range of populations such as substance abuse users, students, the elderly, married couples, parenting groups, as well as individual and family counseling. Results of the studies revealed that SFBT showed positive changes such as decreases in behavior, improved quality and effectiveness of treatment as well as staff morale (Koob & Love, 2010). Pertinent Research Findings Koob and Love (2010) hypothesized that “adolescent foster children who receive family therapy using SFBT will experience greater placement stability than when they received individual therapy using CBT” (p.1348). The study was conducted in a residential treatment facility with 31 adolescents (18 Caucasians and 13 African Americans) with ages ranging from 12-17 (Koob & Love, 2010). In addition, all participants had a history of multiple disruptions in placement resulting from behavior and emotional disorders (Koob & Love, 2010). However, the number of disrupted placements prior to SFBT were not documented within the study (Koob & Love, 2010). The participants were compromised of 14 females and 17 males who had CBT one year prior and were ineligible to age out of the system (Koob & Love, 2010). Prior to the implementation of SFBT, the residential center utilized CBT and treatment did not involve the participant’s family members or foster family in the treatment process (Koob & Love, 2010). The staff at the center were displeased with results of CBT; therefore one of the co-creators of SFBT trained the staff at the residential facility for one week and returned throughout the year to reinforce the training (Koob & Love, 2010). During the implementation of SFBT, the basic principles and techniques were utilized. The article provided an Appendix showing examples of each. Scaling questions were utilized with those dealing with depression or anxiety for example “on a scale of 1-10, rate your success” (Koob & Love, 2010). Miracle questions were utilized with those who lacked goals or positive vision for their future and asked questions such as “If the problem had never existed, what would be different?” (Koob & Love, 2010). In addition, coping questions were utilized with environmental problems for example “given all of these challenging issues how do you cope?” (Koob & Love, 2010). Furthermore, when clients complained about interactions with others relationship questions would be asked such as “What would your best friend say?” (Koob and Love, 2010). The direction of the SFBT was solution and future focused and it included applications of placement stability, positive mental health as well as family cohesion (Koob & Love, 2010). All information collected during the study was kept until the year following the SFBT (Koob & Love, 2010).
Participants were followed for one year to determine if they endured or failed their foster care placements (Koob & Love, 2010). According to Koob & Love (2010), when participants were placed into foster home they either were stable to remain in the home or they returned back to the residential facility as a result of a failed placement. The length of stay within the residential center ranged from two to six weeks and were then placed into another foster home (Koob & Love, 2010). However, if the placement was unsuccessful again the adolescent would return back to the center (Koob & Love, 2010). This was a continuous cycle and each participant never returned to the same home (Koob & Love, …show more content…
2010). Results of this study was gained through a dependent sample t-test which was administered to compare the mean number of placements for one year prior to the SFBT and the one year following the implementation of the treatment (Koob & Love, 2010). According to Koob and Love (2010), results of the study were statistically substantial and the implementation of SFBT deceased disruptions. Overall, the study “indicated that SFBT promotes foster care placement stability with adolescents (Koob & Love, 2010, p.1348). Usefulness of Solution Focused Brief Therapy The article provided several different limitations about their study.
I agree with some of the limitations of the study such as their small number of participants, ethnic representation and use of one location. Due to this, the results of the study was not generalizable to other populations. In addition, the length of time that the study was conducted was also relatively short. Some children are typically in foster care for more than a year therefore, providing a longer time period to see results could indicate if there were changes in placement after the one year time period. This indicates a limitation to using SFBT because it may be too brief and not provide enough time for the client to identify ways to improve their situation. Furthermore, the article did not directly indicate how SFBT proved to be effective. According to Koob and Love (2010), “it could have been the change of focus from individual to family that lead to increased placement stability, rather than from cognitive behavioral to solution focused” (p.1349). Therefore, I agree with Koob and Love’s statement that “there is no evidence that the treatment had a direct effect” (2010, p.1349). Furthermore, although SFBT has been utilized with other client populations, I do believe that it would be difficult to utilize this intervention with those who have severe mental health issues because they may be unable to identify attainable goals and effective ways improve their areas of need. Furthermore, the therapist
may be limited in sharing their expertise and advice with the client(s) because SFBT focuses solely on the client’s perspective. Although, SFBT has shown to have some limitations, there are a number of things that proves this intervention to be useful. As mentioned, based on the literature about other studies, SFBT has shown to be a useful intervention for a variety of client populations. I believe that SFBT can be an effective intervention to utilize within the clinical profession because it focuses on building upon client’s strengths and allows them to provide their perspective on how they can improve their situation. I believe it is important to meet the client where they are at and work towards identifying what works best for them. It can be influential to see how just small changes can really impact one’s life. Using this intervention can be a great way to assist clients with identifying their skills and help them to clarify their goals. This would be an effective tool to assist the client with thinking about what helped them to get through things in past. SFBT is vital because it focuses on personal strengths rather than their failures at that moment in time. The techniques such as the scaling and coping questions can help to determine the client’s progress which also assists the clinician with determining what is needed to achieve further progress. Based on my experience working in Foster care, I know that the transition can be an extremely problematic time for both children and adolescents as well as the biological and foster families. I believe that utilizing this intervention would be a good way to build rapport and supportive relationships not only with the therapist, but also with others in their placements. Often time’s children and adolescents just want attention or their opinions to be heard; therefore this would help with getting their perspective about their situation and how they can proactively work towards making the situation better in smaller steps. Furthermore, I believe that SFBT can also be applied with families. It can be used to get the family members to collaborate together as well as identify similar goals. The family members can identify what has worked for them in the past and try to reinforce those skills in new situations. Although there were some limitations about the study I believe that the Koob &b Love encompassed what they set out to study and gained the results that they hypothesized. Overall, I believe that SFBT is an effective technique that can be used to assist clients in short time frame. Throughout the course of internship and clinical practice I plan to practice utilizing this intervention with future clients.
Koh, Eun, et al. "What explains instability in foster care? Comparison of a matched sample of children with stable and unstable placements." Children and Youth Services Review 37 (2014): 36-45. Web. 15 July 2014.
...t with a child in the foster care system. This paper gave me the opportunity to learn the positives and the negatives as well as more details about the little parts of the foster care system that I didn’t know existed. Even though my focus is to help the child and think about their best interest, this paper showed me that the parents, both biological and foster, are another important factor that helps the children. It made me realize that I will need to meet the parents and work with them to make a plan that fits their life. I will need to figure out what issues they feel are important to fix and how to get to those solutions. Foster care is a complex system that will challenge me daily if I enter the into this specific field but even if I work with children in a different environment I need to be aware that children come from all different types of backgrounds.
There is nearly 400,000 children in out-of-home care in the United States right now (Children’s Right). Just about every day children are being shipped in and out of foster homes and group homes. Most people want the best for children in foster care and decide to take care of them until their parents can possibly recover. The foster care system can have both a negative or positive effect on children, foster parents, and biological parents because of the gaps in the system. Foster cannot not be avoided but the some aspects of the foster care system can be avoided if the missing gaps were filled.
Equally, there has been many studies suggesting parent participation through family engagement as the most effective means to achieving permanency (Boldis, & Tomlinson, 2014; Crampton, Usher, Wildfire, Webster, & Cuccaro-Alamin, 2011; Dolan, & Grotevant, 2014; Léveillé, & Chamberland, 2010). In other words, reunification is more likely to be achieved when the biological families are active members of the child welfare team (Boldis, & Tomlinson, 2014). Studies suggest when service providers include families as members of the child welfare team they are more likely to meet their children’s needs, which increase the chances of reunification (Epstein, 1995; Boldis, & Tomlinson, 2014). For some, it is still a new concept of biological family members being an active member of the child welfare team; this mindset can reduce the likelihood of reunification Boldis, & Tomlinson, 2014). Studies suggest positive family engagement between the foster family and biological families increase the chances of reunification being achieved Boldis, & Tomlinson,
Stott, Tonia. "Placement Instability And Risky Behaviors Of Youth Aging Out Of Foster Care." Child & Adolescent Social Work Journal 29.1 (2012): 61-83. Academic Search Premier. Web. 4 Jan. 2014.
“About two-thirds of children admitted to public care have experienced abuse and neglect, and many have potentially been exposed to domestic violence, parental mental illness and substance abuse” (Dregan and Gulliford). These children are being placed into foster care so that they can get away from home abuse, not so they can move closer towards it. The foster children’s varied outcomes of what their adult lives are is because of the different experiences they grew up with in their foster homes. The one-third of those other foster children usually has a better outcome in adult life than the other two-thirds, which is a big problem considering the high percentage of children being abused in their foster homes. Although, the foster care system has most definitely allowed children to experience the positive home atmosphere that they need there is still an existed kind of abusive system in the foster care program that is unofficial but seems to be very popular. Foster care focuses on helping children in need of a temporary stable environment; however, foster care can have negative impacts to the children and the people around them concerning the foster child going through the transition, the parents of the foster child, a new sibling relationship, and problems that arrive later influencing the foster child long-term.
As of 2014, there were over 415,000 children in the foster care system. Foster care is the raising and supervision of children in a private home, group home, or institution, by individuals engaged and paid by a social service agency (Legal Dictionary, 2016). Care givers can be of kin relationship to the child, or may not know the child at all. Group homes are run by a social worker and can house multiple children at a time. These homes are usually regulated by the state and/or government. Children of all ages go through many emotions when their lives revolve in foster care. This paper will discuss the emotions children deal with regarding separation from birth family, the effects of abuse, and the possibility of having to transition out of
The theory that I chose to analyze in this paper is the constructivist approach with a dual use of both the Solution-Focused Therapy (SFT) and Narrative Therapy. In my worldview change happens when an individual is motivated to persist and accomplish their goals. In my own personal philosophy, I am optimistic that every student is capable of discovering a solution that best fits in solving their problem and that everything we do in life is interconnected to helping us accomplish our ideal goals. I plan to work with first generation college students after completing the Educational Counseling program at USC and see the Constructivist approach to best accommodate the needs of first generation college student population. I see every
To many outsiders, the foster care system may appear to be a safe haven for those children that are abused or abandoned by their birth family. This is correct, but the system with which it is based, has many flaws. A background check is mandatory for all foster parents, but a test to see if a child 's temperament matches that caregiver 's parenting style, is not. Now, this is seen as a minor issue, but there is not enough evidence to support this. Plus, there are many other, much worse reasons, why the system is not perfect. Altogether, the foster care system and a multitude of its rules are flawed and may actually be negatively affecting foster children.
According to the International Foster Care Organization “Foster care is a way of providing a family life for children who cannot live with their own parents.”(2004) Foster care is supposed to provide temporary care while parents get help dealing with problems, or to help children or young people through a difficult period in their lives. Children will return home once their parents are able to provide a safe enviorment for them. However if parent are unable to resolve the issues that cause their child in foster care their children may stay in long-term foster care, some may be adopted, and others will move on to live independently. (IFCO, 2004) Foster care has been a problem for many years and although there have been many attempts to improve it; it there still seems to be negatively impacting
Developed in the 1980s, solution-focused brief therapy (SFBT) is a relatively new therapeutic approach that changes how the client looks at their situation. (Corey, 2012) SFBT is considered an optimistic-based therapeutic approach. SFBT is goal-oriented and future-focused that concentrates on solutions to the problems the individual is facing rather than the problem itself. (Corey, 2012) This positive approach assumes that each individual is competent and possesses and ingenuity necessary for solving their problems with the resources they already have. (Corey, 2012) Therapists that utilize this approach assist their clients in identifying and utilizing strengths and resources that they already possess, instead of trying reinvent the wheel, so to speak. (Corey, 2012) These therapists dialog with their clients about future accomplishments they would like to make happen. Iveson admits that the hardest part of utilizing the SFBT therapeutic approach is switching one’s viewpoint from concentrating on their problems in life to focusing on their strengths and goals for their future. (2002)
Solution Focused Brief Therapy is a unique approach to therapy that neither focuses on the past nor the future but on what is possible now. SFBT is a post modern approach to therapy that became popular in the 1960's and 70s based on the theory that posits small progress can lead to long term change. This approach was created by...creatorsThe clients and the counselor collaborate to establish realistic goals that can be reached in a relatively short period of time. The counselor works to create an environment where clients can be honest. SFBT believe that analyzing problems is not needed in the process of change. Behavior change is seen as an integral part of change in clients therapeutic process. Both the counselor and the client come together to create goals to incite a change in behavior.
174). Shea and Jackson (2015) research goal was to elicit the Family Mosaic Project (FMP) youths’ thoughts and feelings of their experience with this type of intervention (pg. 175). The FMP is a program that refers troubled youth to the Occupational Therapy Training Program (OTTP) from clinicians that work in schools, in communities or in detention facilities who are practitioners of the client-centered occupation-based therapy (Shea, Jackson, 2015, pg.174). FMP focus on changing behaviors of youth between the ages of 11 and 18 who are socially disadvantaged, by providing services such as intensive case management (Shea, Jackson, 2015, pg. 174). OTTP is a community-based program within FMP, that offers social activities that are pleasurable and meaningful to occupy severely troubled kids who are at risk for foster care (Shea, Jackson, 2015, pg. 174). Furthermore, the sample consisted of five participants of the FMP program and the demographics were gender, age, ethnicity, level of education and length in OTTP (Shea, Jackson, 2015, pg. 175). Qualitative research method was used to gather and analyze the verbal data of the research design (Shea, Jackson, 2015, pg. 174). Five semi-structured interviews were
Barth, R., Crea, T., John, K., Thoburn, J. & Quinton, D. (2005). Beyond attachment theory and therapy: Towards sensitive and evidence-based interventions with foster and adoptive families in distress. Child and Family Social Work, 10, 257-268.
(2011) The research study analyzed SFBT’s effectiveness at both the individual therapy level and the group therapy level. (Cepukiene and Pakrosnis, 2011) This study concluded that SFBT is effective and reliable and elicited significant change in thirty-one percent of the participants. Data collected showed that utilizing SFBT with this demographic resulted in improved behaviors. (Cepukiene and Pakrosnis, 2011) Furthermore, their result’s showed that after SFBT intervention, adolescents were less likely to be taken out of a foster home and placed in a group home due to negative behaviors. (Cepukiene and Pakrosnis, 2011) Researchers report that approximately half of the adolescents achieved what they considered to be ‘significant change’. (Cepukiene and Pakrosnis,