Society And Culture Reflection Paper

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My society and culture are narrow-minded and kind of limiting girls, especially when they decided to do something that guys do, like sports. From the beginning, I use to be a crazy person of sports and adventures but because of society and culture, I never got the chance to do so. As I stepped in PACE, when I saw culture and teachers here, I felt like there is an open door for me with supportive teachers that will help me to fulfill all my dreams and opportunities without any fear and limitations. One day, I saw teachers preparing students for the Spartan race, I got influenced and decided to do something adventures, exciting and new. I want to be someone to be first that inspires others to do that too. I went to one of my science teacher who …show more content…

Meantime I went several times to Mr. B to talk to him about if I want to quit. He always says, “Don’t give me that crap, I won’t let you quit.” Then I thought there is no way to get out of it, I am stuck in this and now I have to do this. My first workout for the race was with Mr. B, Ayanna, and Rosi in morning 7:00 AM to 8:00 AM. After that I told him to write something about my first workout, he wrote a letter to me that says, “…I am personally very proud you have undertaken this challenge. This letter is so that you will always remember this day and know that I will not forget it either…Thank you for the student you …show more content…

When they saw me coming they cheered and clapped for me. After a bit of rest, I climbed rope thrice with the help of Mr. Dougherty but I didn’t get it, he said, “Let’s move on, it’s okay we’ll do it later.” Then I went for lifting the weight without dropping, in that Mr. Dougherty completely helped me, without him I couldn’t even move that. Then I have to go through muddy dunk that was divided in two with a wall and I have to go under water and then swim all the way through, when I went under water I felt like everything went out black for a second and there I pulled up my leg muscle. When I went for swimming I was yelling at my uncle that, “I don’t know swimming, how could I swim…” He asked help from some ladies that were in there and by holding their hands I flew to shore with laughing and giggling because I am having so much fun floating on water like a leaf. And then very last obstacle ‘Fire Jump,’ I waited a little bit because of my pulled muscle and then I jumped over it smiling and excited. I walked to finish line, there Mr. B waiting for me with a medal, I walked to him and at same point I heard my mom, I saw she is also waiting for me with a medal, I stopped and looked at both of them and it was difficult for me to chose one as both mean to me a lot, then Mr. B walked to my mom and asked her to give the medal together. This was one of the most precious and unforgettable moment

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