Social Work Intervention Essay

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Social work refers to a practice whereby social workers are responsible for adopting several processes or steps to assist clients to address their problems effectively. The major steps followed while helping patients comprise of establishing a relationship between the client and the worker, engaging with the environment of the client, assessing client’s information, diagnosing information to make sense, doing work that allows the client as well as the practitioner to realize the goals set, and determining if the process is effective (Stepney & Ford, 2012). Nonetheless, the process of social work fails to follow a clear guideline, whereby the workers may be forced to move through various processes in a circular manner before realizing the optimal goal. A major element associated with social work is the identification of the methods of intervention, which are governed by sociological and psychological theories, as well as assessment of social work (Barbra, 2014). Through evaluation and observation skills, social workers are capable of analyzing and explaining situations, introduce hypothesis concerning anticipated outcomes, as well as select the ideal intervention methods, which facilitate in realizing the anticipated outcomes. Interventions that social workers employ serve …show more content…

The theory stipulates that it is vital for social workers to ensure they contextualize the human person according to their social environment, while the social work profession perceives people as interdependent and interrelated to their environment. The social and development satiation of individuals serves as part of the environment they live in, although people are capable of influencing and altering their environment. The psychosocial theory offers a basis whereby social workers can understand different methods and theories, especially because it offers a foundation for social work theories in practice today (Greene,

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